Ashleycrashley  avatar
1 year ago

Focus in convo

Anyone else just hear words when a conversation isn’t exciting enough or deep enough? Or too practical? I’m Sure the answer is yes, I feel so rude.

pinkmess avatar

Wow! I’m hard of hearing and I had always thought that was why I did that. I’m glad to learn that my struggle to focus and understand during conversations is also a result of my ADHD and audio processing disorder. I’ve been caught a few times when I’ve just nodded my head and tried to match their facial expressions. They’ve usually have been understanding but I always felt ashamed and guilty. I’m trying, now, to let them know when I’m not understanding or that my focus is off when it is feasible to do.

brainsmoosh avatar

Don’t even hear words. It’s muffled background noise. I’m too busy looking and listening to what’s going on around me.

GoodVibes777 avatar

I just zone out a lot of the time and start hearing blah blah blah

Ashleycrashley  avatar

Lol yes everything just blends….


Yes! I hate feeling rude.

Ashleycrashley  avatar

Me too! It’s the worst… especially when you’re really not trying to be rude at all.

lilmushroomgal avatar

Oh my god I thought it was just me! Often when someone is talking to me (especially at work), I find it so hard to focus on what they’re actually telling me and it’s like there’s a buffer that won’t let information in. It’s just words and I’m nodding my head along and trying to remember to look them in the eye etc and all that social norm stuff. I get really worried people must think I’m rude. I know it’s a symptom of ADHD in some folks but sometimes I also think if it’s down to my information processing disorder (audible) as well 🤔

Ashleycrashley  avatar

Omg I do the same Thing!! I could really really try to focus and zone in with the eye contact and everything like you just explained, so that way the other person (hopefully) doesn’t sense that I have no idea what they’re talking about & listening to them is like being dyslexic but without seeing the words.. (I’m dyslexic also & this happens to me most at work too) and because it’s so overwhelming to focus on focusing on the person talking (if that makes sense) my eyes start to wander all over the place and my leg starts going it’s just a mess and I walk away feeling like such a jerk and I’m always like WHYYYYYYY 😩 The struggle.. I too have a processing disorder I sucked in school & had an IEP bc of it, so I get you.

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