zoygar avatar
1 year ago

Remembering the word ADHD

Does anyone had troubles remembering the letters? Is like every time I need to tell somebody about it I struggle so much to remember them. Could the scientists made it more difficult for us to remember? Lol

chunky monkey avatar
chunky monkey

I keep saying ADHA for some reason 🤔 my longterm memory for remembering other people's personal feelings or opinions is great. Just can't remember a birthday.

sam308 avatar

Attention deficiency hyperactivity disorder My therapist said that they are seeing that ADD (Attention Deficiency Disorder) and ADHD are one in the same because ADHD has an inattentive type. I feel weird when I think about it because I have a good imagination and my memory isn’t that bad. But then I can’t get myself to do the basic things I need to do and forget to do them but as soon as I have an assignment my anxiety makes me do it. I feel like I don’t have the right to say I have ADHD but it’s so hard to get things done that I know sometimes is wrong.

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