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1 year ago

What jobs are y‘all working at? Did you find one you could stick to?

I‘m only 22 and i‘ve already tried a few jobs and also i‘m studying at the moment but somehow, no matter how enthusiastic i‘ve been at the beginning, everything gets boring after some time… How are you doing in your jobs? Do you have tips on how to keep work exciting?

adhdcraz avatar

I'm a dog trainer and I absolutely love it. The dogs can be crazy like me haha

Fluffybender avatar

Caring for my kids right now but I've done everything from fast food restaurants, customer service , sales, account management, archaeologist ^ got my degree after always wanting to be one and then realised I didn't wanna do it 🤣 have also worked in recruitment, with children from littles to 18, customs, a music school. Jesus I've had a lot of jobs. Anyway all meh, still dunno what I wanna be when I grow up

sunnyaudhD avatar

I’m a IT director at a very large contract manufacturer of electronics. I get to solve lots of new issues and work on different projects with totally different processes and system designs all the time. And I still get to do some coding and automation design integrating complex machines. Been at the company for ten years now. Before this I was in the military and military contracting after that in many different areas. Got bored all the time and ended up with 2 bachelors one in computer science another in kinesiology. Then got bored with IT that and got my masters in electrical engineering. And I have more certs in random things than I can remember. But all my background has come together and really helped me excel here. I now am managing multiple sites all with very complex different manufacturing systems and processes and specialized in Medical device compliance. I’m well known in the company for being able to solve complex problems and create easy to use system process and integrations out of chaotic asks from difficult customers.

procrastina.. avatar

I am working at this job now, but this is my third time back- and i am contemplating getting a different job. i’m just not sure if i should or not- i have two other jobs at two different places that I would like to try for. I don’t know if it’s a good idea to do that or not- sigh* it really stresses me out :(

bigbadd avatar

I was fired from 12 jobs in 4 years before becoming a seasonal roofer/Zamboni driver. Then a licensed personal trainer. Then a paramedic and now I’ve landed at business owner.. But I’d really just love an executive assistant because I still struggle at the doing of the hard stuff

loading🔄 avatar

That‘s actually a really good idea, i feel like this could work for me too, i just have to find the right jobs!🤗

rururo avatar

I'm a paramedic! It is a very varied job, everyday is different. You mainly learn by doing and you're not bound by a strict schedule. I couldn't sit at a desk, my skin would literally crawl so this jobs suit me perfectly. Always on the go!


I work 3 jobs during the week. I work as an aerial apparatus coach for lyra, nanny, bush regeneration and occasionally a 4th as a dancer/roving performer 😅 For me having more than one job means that the week doesn't feel tedious but it took me a few years to build it so that there is stability and routine and I'm not trying to do too much for each employer. I am valued at each of my jobs and have responsibilities at each one, but I rarely feel like I don't want to fulfil them or go to work! I worked this weird week schedule out prior to my recent diagnosis though, so I think it has been a way to work with the chaos brain and give it variety but also progress at work and have long standing jobs. Sorry for the essay 😅

loading🔄 avatar

That‘s actually a really good idea, i feel like this could work for me too, i just have to find the right jobs!🤗

Jonas avatar

I'm a software engineer, but lately I've been wondering if it is for me or not. I love programming in my free time, but at work there are so many more dimensions, and I'm having a hard time focusing on "the right problem" and getting stuff to a finished state.

therealjog avatar

I’m a teacher! Which is like my fifth career lol. It works best for me bc I enjoy doing it and there’s a lot of different things to do all day and not a ton of paperwork/sitting in front of a computer. And kids have a lot of energy!

frazzled avatar

Me too. But, I really must ask where you work since you do not have a lot of paperwork. I just finished my 19th year. During the last 4 years, I made the switch from private school to public school…OMG!!! What a difference…This year, the public school system has sucked the joy and my health right out of my body. They doubled-down on testing and micro-managing, and demanded data, data, data like never before. I taught 4th grade this year. Those babies can’t skip count! But, my job is to prep them for testing—that’s it! That’s all they care about! Cute transfer from private school to public school came with a hefty pay raise, yet it cost me my health and my joy! Currently, I’m crunching numbers to determine if I can return to private school education. It once was the perfect job for me, and I felt like I made a difference. I need to get that feeling back.

t3chnopol1c3 avatar

My actual profession is a musician, I have pianist education, and people always told me that I am an excellent music theorist - and could be successful in science work for our Conservatory, but I never graduated from both college and Conservatory (now I know that was my adhd). I worked as a support representative for the financial company (trading), and it was really nice before the time I overwhelmed myself and started falling asleep within my shifts. Then, a long break, which was uneasy at all, brief seasonal work as a music teacher with kids, and then I got the wardrobe keeper’s position in my favorite club which meant that I will have a chance to hear MORE ELECTRONIC MUSIC and speak with more and more people. As the war started in my country, I was lost, but it was a push for me to find a stable work as a support agent again. I work there for a year and couple of months now, and it’s the greatest company I ever had in my life!

lhia92 avatar

IT support is working for me ! I can put my headphones and hyper focus to solve urgent users problems. Dopamine is good 👍

battybones avatar

I have an anthropology degree, yet I’ve found I’m still happiest when I’m waiting tables or bartending. Doing a hundred things at once makes my brain happy, and working for tips is pretty much instant gratification. The fast pace keeps me from getting bored at work.

mysha  avatar

I work as a war correspondent and idk if I can I say I like it because of the circumstances…but in general I do. Back in the days I worked as a project manager, fundraiser, editor and journalist and well, this one is the best But I never thought whom I’m going to be, I just go with the flow

puppy avatar

I work at a doggy daycare and I love it!

loading🔄 avatar

Oh i‘d love that SO much, sadly in my country we don‘t have those yet..

hyptonono avatar

I have had sooooo many jobs. I'm 35 now and have been at oil change company for almost a year. It's fun because the people are different everyday, the cars are different everytime and it's kinda outside and super flexible schedule. I still get bored and threaten to quit when overstimulated though

glampire avatar

I’ve been working office jobs since graduating w/ my paralegal certificate 10 years ago. I’ve worked at 3 different offices over the years and thought I was miserable because of the office environments and coworkers, but I’ve recently come to the conclusion that those aren’t the only factors. Sitting at a desk all day and stressing over deadline after deadline is just not what I want to do with my life. I’ve actually got a phone call scheduled with admissions for a cosmetology and esthetics program today! ☺️

jdog200 avatar

Support work! Especially community based support, you can switch up what you do with your clients each day, and it’s like having a body double because while we are out I do the things I’ve been needing to do!

NDM@m@B3@R avatar

I lm a bit older but I have found in my life that having a job that keeps me mentally stimulated & that I enjoy, I absolutely love dogs so I switched up my career to caring for dogs :) LOVE IT! 💕🫶🏼

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