devbwo avatar
11 months ago

How do you juggle being productive but relaxing?

I feel like all I do is needed tasks and when I try to relax I feel like I’m wasting time not doing tasks. How to you turn your brain off when it’s time to actually do nothing?

 whateverdude avatar

This is one of the hardest things to deal with, I ended up stuck constantly feeling like tasks were impossible.... Like just doing dishes is hard 😵‍💫 I drink a LOT of coffee

tadja avatar

This is a hard one. My sister calls me a workaholic, and I’m not, but I’m a busybody. If I’m lying in bed with a cold, I’ll crochet an entire sweater or something like that. And I’ve thought about how I need to allow myself to totally relax, but maybe we also just relax differently than other people. I’ve found that having something to fidget with helps me to sit still and rest. So I might play a little game on my phone or doodle or crochet or paint my nails. Or I just find something I’m really interested in like a good book or a really good show, then it holds my attention but I’m still resting. It’s definitely a struggle though and I feel you 💗

doglover85 avatar

This is a constant battle for sure. I think timers can be helpful and consider where the idea/value of “need” to be productive is coming from. Sometimes we’re holding ourselves to some imaginary standard that’s unrealistic anyway and we don’t realistic or sometimes we’re comparing ourselves to others or even to ourselves at different points in our lives that were different. It truly is okay to just meet our basic needs and be okay with that. That is enough. You are enough 😊

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