llaulie avatar
1 year ago

No sleep 💤

I work 44 hours weeks and never sleep enough. bc I want time to watch shows on my phone 😅 am i the only one. Who has tips on how to go to sleep on time

BDSIngram😊 avatar

I’ve been setting a 30min sleep timer on the TV when I get in bed and turn it on and then it’s literally lights out for me 😴💤 So far that’s been helping because I was not sleeping enough before 😵‍💫🥴

jovibohnert avatar

I Never thought of this as ADHD too much but I do it too. As soon as I’m hooked for a series you can forget me until it’s over. Thankfully I get bored quickly and then “skip” through the series

tadja avatar

I watch things that are super soothing, like Alan Watts. The perfect combo is soothing voice and also something you have to kind of think about, but that’s not TOO interesting. I tried documentaries I was interested in and they hooked me. So not something that hooks you, but will just tire your mind out a little. I find that I eventually can’t muster brain energy for it anymore and then I just get lulled by the soothing tones.

ParabolicHeater avatar

Used to fall asleep with YouTube playing on my earbuds up until a few days ago. I thought it was the best. I have moved to brown noise and I wake up with more energy. I guess I wasn’t really listening for content, unbeknownst to me.

CGCrimsonLily avatar

Set limits? Nothing wrong wanting to watch your shows, but if it is draining you to stay up so late, perhaps make each episode a reward for the hardest task in your to do list?

headbees avatar

I definitely stay up too late, pretty much always. I’m not really ready to go to sleep until like 1 or 2 am. Makes mornings difficult 😅

bricoley avatar

Literally in the same boat. However, I am a stay a home mom and building my small cleaning business. It's actually pretty ironic, actually. I love cleaning others houses but when it comes to mine I fall short. I always stay up watching shows and trying to enjoy the little peace I get in the night. I wish I had tips for you

ooh!SQUIRREL avatar

Same here with the cleaning. I was thinking of starting a small business like that but I don't know where to start.

kirmesimKopf avatar

Oh I feel that… same here 🙋🏼‍♀️ always tired, never sleeps enough.

fastafboiii avatar

Same here, get to bed, spend hours on my phone, wake up tired rince and repeat

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