its ok its adhd avatar
its ok its adhd

My therapist told me, that I am being abusive to myself with self talk. My parents were abusive but now 20 years since I moved out, I keep the tradition and do it to myself. So she asked me to imagine me as two people. One person is the victim and is shaking, her stomach aches she has panic attacks, irritable bowel syndrome, social anxiety and depression and the other person is the abuser who is judging and yelling etc. She asked: if that was a scene out in the street, “what would you do?” And I realized I would hug the victim and yell at the abuser to back the hell off. So I am three people, all of them is me. I am the abuser, I am the victim and I am the person who needs to step up to me when I abuse myself. She said whenever I noticed anxiety symptoms in my body I am probably abusing myself through self talk. So I need to self talk to me and say: what happened? I will protect you, you are safe. I will kick the abuser’s ass. And I will also tell myself..back the fuck off. I know it sounds mental…🙃 but it works. Hopefully someday I will need that less and less. ❤️ Good luck

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(I’m assuming you mean the concept and not a feature) Before I knew I had ADHD, I would usually just berate myself whenever I missed an assignment or forgot something. When I realized how much damage that did, I came up with an idea. If telling myself I suck makes me suck, what if I told myself I’m awesome. Even though I did it as a joke, conciously making an effort to prop myself up helped my self esteem and made it easier to keep going. TL;DR - The more you actively support / compliment yourself, the better you’ll feel, which will help you get through each day.

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