Does coffee help or hurt y’all?
I feel like some days it’s a blessing and some days it’s a curse
I feel like some days it’s a blessing and some days it’s a curse
Coffee makes me nauseas, tummy ache, and I’ll go right to sleep, I think it’s due to tummy issues :( I read somewhere that coffee blocks certain transmitters while green tea helps the transmitters make connections. I am unsure if it is the amount of caffeine in coffee or because green tea has l-theanine in return helps with cognitive function and anxiety symptoms. Tbh I can’t find the reading about blocking neurotransmitters so I don’t think that’s the case. I think it’s more dealing with my gut health.
I did some research because it has opposite affects on me and it confirmed why! Something about it helps blocks the neurotransmitters making connections so that’s why it seems like it either does half the job or not at all. I switched to green tea bc the L-theanine and caffeine work together to improve cognitive function. I also take lions mane cognition supplements!
I drink coffee at all times if the day and night. It's literally my favorite drink. The caffeine doesn't effect me, but I know it's still not the best thing for me to drink all day
It can hurt and help me. Having a small cup can be good, but having a large because it's a habit or you feel you are expected to have a large? Nah fam
Coffee helps me a lot when I have a headache and I drink it daily for the placebo effect as sometimes I can nap just after taking one. The curse is not taking it as I feel really dependent on it in order to function do you refer to that part?
I started drinking coffee almost every morning since i was 17 now I’m 20 and still do I just find it helps bowel movements lmao- it’s more a placebo effect “feeling energetic” I now just drink coffee for the taste- it helps me in terms of having a morning routine- I look forward to it in the morning- but no I’d say coffee does not effect my energy:)
Are we talking about coffee in general or the caffeination factor? I don’t drink coffee often but I do go for energy drinks… as for effective? They initially help to jump start my focus but I crash before I finish the beverage. I can sleep just as well having recently consumed caffeinated beverages than I can when I don’t.