sumisadd avatar
1 year ago

“Everyone’s a little ADHD”😤

How does one’s answer to this one. It’s so frustrating when people you know turn around and try to compare their lives with yours - regular disorganisation, lack of focus and confusion is not adhd we know this. How do you reply to such people. I really get annoyed.

ContraryKT avatar

I just had to deal with this. A friend posted all the memes and was saying “case in point, this is normal for everyone. Tell me I’m wrong” I simply said, “yes, these are all normal, relatable things for everyone SOMETIMES. The difference for ADHD is how often and how much this impacts everyday life” She had a lightbulb moment and said that makes so much sense that way. (It’ll only work on people willing to think about it and change their minds/opinions)

purelycryptic  avatar

I am really best fuctioning with a body double (a close, trusted friend who simply spends time with me while I do chores) and my grandmother goes "Oh everyone does that!!" even though I had to explain the concept to her cause she didn't know what it was. So frustrating.

ArtsyADHD avatar

It’s hard because ADHD has such a stigma around it and nobody really quite understands what it really is. Most people think it’s just for elementary boys who can’t regulate. If you have a close relationship with the person saying it, try to educate them… if it’s a passing coworker who you have nothing invested with, you can decide if you even care what they think.

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