bricoley avatar
2 years ago


At what point did you realize that you needed meds? I have been diagnosed for probably 8ish years, maybe less. At first I was given wellbutrin it helped at first but then it didn't. I had to get cleared by cardiology before I can take anything else. After that I had imposter syndrome for years. I really thought I was just making it all up. I had kiddos and then realized real quick that I actually had adhd. I'm at the point where I think I need meds. I even had my sister notice that I'm at the point of needing medication for my own safety. I was in a fender bender that I wasn't at fault for. It made her worry since I have small children (1 and 3). She worries that I will lose attention and something happens. Note my children are not in danger nor have they ever been in. I just really do think I do need meds. Sometimes I just get so overwhelmed.

doglover85 avatar

I needed to specifically for the ADHD symptoms when it impacted my performance at work. I was already on meds for depression though.

Ta6sh-6isSilent avatar

It's nice to see I wasn't the only one who has the same experience with Wellbutrin. I've actually hallucinated while taking them and had the dose affect my vision. Luckily, I have an appointment set up with the family doctor next week and it can't come soon enough. I feel like, when you take the correct medicine for your body/mind/you.. everything seems to get better, baby steps sure! But yanno, baby steps are far better than reverting backwards and awakening that part of yourself. Is there a reason you're currently not taking meds sweetie??

taylorswift avatar

I want to, but I feel I wanna go more natural like weed. It's hard for me

ThatgirlEmily avatar

When you are having a hard time doing normal daily things. Definitely seek medical attention!

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