At what point did you realize that you needed meds? I have been diagnosed for probably 8ish years, maybe less. At first I was given wellbutrin it helped at first but then it didn't. I had to get cleared by cardiology before I can take anything else. After that I had imposter syndrome for years. I really thought I was just making it all up. I had kiddos and then realized real quick that I actually had adhd. I'm at the point where I think I need meds. I even had my sister notice that I'm at the point of needing medication for my own safety. I was in a fender bender that I wasn't at fault for. It made her worry since I have small children (1 and 3). She worries that I will lose attention and something happens. Note my children are not in danger nor have they ever been in. I just really do think I do need meds. Sometimes I just get so overwhelmed.