adphd avatar
1 year ago

Tips for managing ADHD as an academic?

I am struggling through my PhD and was only diagnosed a few months ago.. any tips from fellow academics on adhd management and surviving the PhD? 🙆🏼‍♀️

NeuroNerd avatar

I use Focusmate for body doubling and there is a phd group that you can join so they can match you with other members if they are available and if they aren’t, you get matched with someone randomly but Focusmate has a great community. You can set 25 min or 50 min sessions, share your goals with your partner and at the end share your progress. It really helps with accountability. And you start to realize how much work you can done in certain time so you start setting realistic goals for yourself.

NeuroNerd avatar

I’m so happy to hear that! ☺️ I have been using it for 2 years and it was a turning point for me. It helped me to survive in medical school. 😊Maybe one day we can get matched for a session without knowing it 😅😅

adphd avatar

Oh my gosh thank you! I tried this today and it changed my life!

ContraryKT avatar

Can’t help the PhD specific, but knowing your weaknesses (digital planners, losing items, missing deadlines, needing a bajillion alarms and calendar reminders, etc) is super important. There are sometimes things the college can help with if you look into it (accommodations even for severe enough impacts). Ask lecturers if you can record for notes if you struggle to process auditory information. Partner with a peer or a friend for “body double” work when you can’t focus.

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