How do you avoid taking a nap?
How do you avoid taking a nap?
Ha! I don't. Until very recently, if I wanted to take a nap, I would go upstairs and lie down. Otherwise, I'm with Jbird and getting outside or doing 5 minutes' worth of exercise. Usually, I dance around or punch my heavy bag.
I force myself to go outside. Usually after I get myself out I perk right back up and make it until bedtime lol.
Don’t take your shoes off! But also if I am fading and starting to get sleepy I just let it happen. I needed it, apparently. I’m also on stimulants.
I allow time for a nap if it is a matter of poor sleep. If it is a matter of depression nap, I journal first so that when I wake from my nap, I feel as fresh as a new day… basically I use naps to reset my emotions/mindset on the day
This has been less of a problem since starting Stimulant meds. Now, if I need a nap it's a sign my body really needs it. The trick is to keep it to a 20 minute power nap instead of a 2 hour deep sleep. So, 1. I have a coffee then 2. Set my phone on airplane mode 3. Set the timer for 20 minutes. 4. Get comfortable and close my eyes then, to give my brain something to do, I focus on and count all the things I can hear, feel, and smell. When the timer goes off, have a gentle stretch and get up and drink a glass of water. It works 9 times out of ten. Edit: since going on meds I've switched to Decaf unless it's a med free day.
I managed to avoid a nap today, but it’s usual because of how much I smoke. I stayed busy. Two appointments and Lyft driving in between. Then kids and grocery shopping. A nap didn’t have a chance today. Oh, I’m on Adderall now. Since Friday.
I do not. Body rhythm is such that nothing will happen if you get a nap of 20-25 minutes but no longer. You will feel better after such a nap.
I would love to know how to solve this too. But one thing I do is allow myself to have coffee at the time the nap urge comes.