KushiKat avatar
1 year ago

I can manage to be productive on OFF days from work

But on week days I struggle so much, any tips ?

beautifulposes avatar

I set a timer for 10-15 minutes and do what I can in that time short time frame and in between these intervals, I do something I enjoy (read, watch a show, etc.)

hanvalen avatar

I sometimes rely on others for regulation, I work much better on a call with a coworker than trying to work alone. Too much accountability/work can burn me out though, too

frazzled avatar

Small goals. Determine 1-3 must-do items per day like empty the trash and the dishwasher. Complete those tasks and feel good about it. The adhd life is hard and exhausting. There’s enough people out there that want to criticize us for being lazy or not caring. Tune out the haters. Cause they do not understand our struggle.

denisepessetto avatar

Small goals! Make small challenges, dopamine releases throughout a project if you find some fun in it rather than hate life during until that final payoff of the task completion! Small doses keep you steady! Just my 2 cents ☺️

lunacreative avatar

Time blocking helps with me, 30 mins on each task even if that doesn’t finish it, it makes it feel less overwhelming to start then I stay on a roll with that and move the day accordingly

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