headbees avatar
1 year ago

Superpower or Disability? It’s both.

Note: just my opinion of course, take with a grain of salt. IMO, we should be a bit careful about how we discuss our brains and how they make us different from neurotypical people. For our own sakes mostly, but also for managing expectations from others. We as ADHDers are (typically) really good at some things, and we also (typically) struggle with other things. If we are doing something we’re good at, or even better, if we’re able to design our lives to play to our strengths, we can kick some serious butt. In those situations it *does* feel like a superpower. But for those times where we’re still trying to fit into a neurotypical mould (usually by necessity) it absolutely feels like a disability. Especially for those who are recently diagnosed or still kids, they’re still learning about what ADHD is and how to work with their brains. We all struggle sometimes, and it kind of sucks when you’re going through it and someone tells you that the very thing that’s causing you pain is actually awesome and you should be proud of it. On the flip side, those who are struggling shouldn’t feel hopeless. It can feel like “I can’t do anything right”, but that’s absolutely not true. We can do great things, if we learn to work with our brains instead of against them. So ADHD isn’t *just* a disability either. So, like I said: it’s both. It can bring us joy, making us feel like superheroes. And it can bring us pain, making us feel horrible. Both experiences are valid, but just remember that the other side is always there, and no one stays on one side forever. So be excellent to each other, celebrate the good times and success stories, and gently remind those that are going through tough times that it can and does get better. Peace ✌️

Midwest Lady avatar
Midwest Lady

I love what you wrote. Thank you for the reminder. It is so true and it can be difficult to focus on what makes us special.

A. D. avatar
A. D.

Yes, I cringe at all this “ADHD superpower” talk. There can be creativity and hyper-focus benefits (and these things moved me to a special place in my career). But ADHD, even with these benefits, on the totality of it, can and does destroy one’s life on the long term basis. This becomes very clear at the mid 30s range, and such a watermark is even discussed at some standard adult adhd books like Barkley’s.

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