I am terrible with directions-mostly if I am driving and i need to make a turn, knowing I need to head “towards downtown” (in my city), I will turn what ends up being the wrong way from what I was POSITIVE was the correct way to turn.
Related to this question, for as long as I can remember, when I give directions to people, I have to hold up my left or right hand to reinforce in my head which way I mean for them to turn. And I am known among my friends for telling them to turn left/right when I meant to say the opposite way.
When I saw “coordination” in your question, I remembered reading an article about how some people with ADHD walk in a diagonal line when they think they’re walking in a straight line. In real life, this reveals itself when I am holding the umbrella for my husband and me (I am much taller than he is), within 1-2 minutes, he is getting wet because I have veered off, and the umbrella is no longer over him.
Is there no end to the long list of weird shit that ADHD throws at us?!? 🙄😆