adhdler avatar
1 year ago

Diagnosis as an 23 old women

Does someone want to share their story of getting diagnosed late? Feeling little lost right now

adhdbabe39 avatar

About to be 39 got diagnosed at 38, always knew I was different, was athletic out my ears as a kid, I got in trouble for standing on the bus not being quiet in kindergarten got me a ticket to pre first, never took naps til college, I struggle w being an adult, my college roommate swore up and down that I had turrets or something, depression followed me thru college then anxiety showed up more pronounced in the last 3-5 years, in my 20s I found double the excercise interests helped (womens ice hockey /kayaking /biking/kickboxing ) my half brother got the diagnosis first then my mom, then me, I was always sensitive to sounds/smells, picky picky picky eater, I still have issues w eating certain textures, I love hearing stories of diagnosis because the similarities I find are comforting in a strange way, this thing or that can now be explained away or dismissed. I never needed to study in school, I wish I didn’t go to college but stayed in a hunter like job like the HVAC thing I was also persuing in highschool/college summer jobs I need a hunter job still now, I’m so sick of computers and I don’t want to be a glorified number marcher

adhdbabe39 avatar

About to be 39 got diagnosed at 38, always knew I was different, was athletic out my ears as a kid, I got in trouble for standing on the bus not being quiet in kindergarten got me a ticket to pre first, never took naps til college, I struggle w being an adult, my college roommate swore up and down that I had turrets or something, depression followed me thru college then anxiety showed up more pronounced in the last 3-5 years, in my 20s I found double the excercise interests helped (womens ice hockey /kayaking /biking/kickboxing ) my half brother got the diagnosis first then my mom, then me, I was always sensitive to sounds/smells, picky picky picky eater, I still have issues w eating certain textures, I love hearing stories of diagnosis because the similarities I find are comforting in a strange way, this thing or that can now be explained away or dismissed. I never needed to study in school, I wish I didn’t go to college but stayed in a hunter like job like the HVAC thing I was also persuing in highschool/college summer jobs I need a hunter job still now, I’m so sick of computers and I don’t want to be a glorified number matcher

farbeside525 avatar

Just got diagnosed back in October at 27(now 28). Like most people here was originally diagnosed with anxiety/depression but I’m a special education teacher and saw so much of myself in my inattentive ADHD kiddos. So I sought a diagnosis and was right. Also like many others, I’d struggled a lot with being labeled as lazy or not living up to potential since I was gifted when I was little but in actuality, that giftedness is what kept my head above the water for so long without help.

rahma avatar

I just turned 30, I haven't got official diagnosis yet, I self diagnosed myself. I was diagnosed with depression, anxiety and PTSD. No one ever said it was ADHD or thought of it as my symptoms was all internalized and with havering a perfectionist and a whole other things family it wasn't that obvious. It wasn't till I started reading and watching stuff and galking to my friend who just got diagnosed too that I knew I had it. It has too sides, one of them is you forgive yourself for all the things you did, but you also resent it because your whole life and relationships would have been completely different if you got it earlier.

ameliabjorn avatar

Diagnosed at 33 ✨🌙

adhdreamy avatar

i got dignosed a couple months ago, at 26 years old. for me, i went through several years of treatments and diagnosis since my teens, like anxiety and depression disorders, but i’d never totally get better. since i was a kid, my adhd symptoms where always perceived by my parents, teachers and such as being lazy, distracted or not trying hard enough, mainly because they didn’t affect my grades at school and because i’ve always had the hability to hyperfocus when the subject is something i’m truly interested in. plus, my parents where always very over protective and controlling and my mom was always double checking everything i did all the time, and even though it was annoying it was what prevented me from being late all the time or missing appointments. when i left my parents’ house to live on my own, things started going progressively down the hill as i got more and more overwhelmed, unable to maintain self care and irganization of my apartment, was late for work every day, missed due dates, got into debt because of forgotten bills and impulsive shopping… and so on. since i was going to therapy, i started talking about how this was affecting my life and my therapist referred me to get an adhd evaluation, and after that i finally got diagnosis and proper treatment. at first it was pretty life changing and it felt like i was discovering a bunch of new information about myself, but now as time goes by and i’m learning more about how to deal with it and to accept myself, it’s really been a chance to finally do things that i’d never been able to properly do before and be at peace with myself :)

Lynxy39 avatar

Hate to sound like a parrot but I have to say your story is pretty much bang on like mine… however I started studying nursing at uni at the age of 21, got diagnosed at 23 and suddenly all of my childhood ‘quirks’ and the struggles i experienced in adolescence have made so much more sense ever since (now age 29). It’s so comforting being able to finally link some things together in a real way 😅

bandarford avatar

It’s really nice to read this as someone who has had quite a similar experience, thank you for sharing

adhdler avatar

Thank you so much for sharing :) . I also was misdiagnosed for depression and anxiety for many years. Your story sounds so familiar 😅

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