hldavis12 avatar
2 years ago

To Do List

I love making to do lists. But does anyone struggle with actually sitting down and remembering everything you need to right down ? Any tips or tricks to help?

its ok its adhd avatar
its ok its adhd

I use vocal notes while I walk the dog and i do a brain dump

birdiesings avatar

I go one list but I’ll do sticky notes if I don’t have access, then gather and drop them into the main list. I think of things as i move physically so i have to do this or I lose it.

nicophinerine avatar

I write in the go either on the phone or on my wrists with a pen, then when i sit down i actually know what i was supposed to do that i remembered before but now forgot. hope u can find a similar method! i heard voice recordings also help!

DaBadLlama avatar

I just wrote a thing about this! It is the one that is 'Pretty stuff = Motivation? 🤔'

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