annbolyen avatar

Being kind to ourselves is hard. A thing I have started doing is I have to start the day with finding something positive about myself. Also for every bad thought I have to think of 2 positive things. It has helped me defend myself against myself if that makes sense.

orchids&tuks avatar

Hmm, I notice taking a pause ⏸️ makes a world of a difference and/or, talking about it through with oneself ( this can be during a situation, before , or after )

orchids&tuks avatar

Usually during the situation if I'm hyperfocused on it I gravitate to debate w/ the topic in my head ( do not always recommend, especially if one feels they need to mask for verious reasons)but a pause can help soothe potential overstimuli and even RSD can be cared for too with self love in that mix during that pause

steffi avatar

Fake it til you make it

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