theMe avatar
1 year ago

It's getting worse

Actually, in fact the only reason I realised that I have an ADHD is because it progressively got worse every year so much, that it hindered my day to day existence. Thing is I am young,but I am not getting younger. Day by day, my responsibilities and duties are growing. But feel like my ability to deal with them is only deteriorating

Midwest Lady avatar
Midwest Lady

The more complex your life becomes the more ADHD can interrupt your intentions and plans. I wish there was an easy fix. There isn’t. To survive: • Learn a better ADHD way for each task that vexes you. • Take it one day or one hour or one minute at a time so life or mundane tasks don’t overwhelm you. • Seek out a local or online support group. This will affirm that it isn’t you, it is your ADHD. (There is a difference.) Support groups allow you feel accepted and offer ideas on how to best deal with tasks in an ADHD way. • Recognize the little things you do well. It is easy to say, ‘Nothing.’ but that isn’t true. Find at least one or two things you can be proud of privately. The biggest and the hardest thing is to believe you are ok just as you are. You are not ADHD. It a a disability you have, but there are ways to cope. • Get GOOD professional help. This isn’t something you should handle alone.

BDSIngram😊 avatar

Same here 🙃

boobies avatar

Same :( I'm only 21 but I feel like I'm 15 or smth ..I can't deal with all this grown-ppl stuff. Too much. And I realised that I have ADHD only a few months ago with my psychologist... When she got me an answer I was just "Oh? That's why????"

chaosqueer avatar

I feel you so much, I only started looking into it because uni was kicking my arse

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