ihateadhd13 avatar
1 year ago


how do you all deal with rsd (rejection sensitivity dysphoria)? it is truly genuinely physically painful for me to feel rejection. i just can’t take it. it makes me feel like my whole world is crashing in on itself. and it just feels so horrible.

CGCrimsonLily avatar

Feelings of rejection tend to be internalized feelings of insecurities. You can try addressing the insecurities to the point where you feel more confident… it is a start. But yes, dealing with the challenge of RSD is a process, often a painful one. Reacting emotionally is tempting. And it isn’t wrong to get it all out there either, but to protect yourself and others, try journaling your emotion, putting it away for a few days, then revisit it and see if you still feel that way. Most likely you won’t. The act of journaling tempers the rawness and can help sort out underlying insecurities. (It also helps us find red flags and patterns in relationships, too.)

chzgrl3000 avatar

I think this is something that doesn’t have any quick fix. You have to expose yourself to the feelings of rejection and sit with them. Eventually the bad feelings should lessen when you see that one person’s opinion of you isn’t turning your world upside down

intuitivebestie avatar

I just keep reminding myself it’s not personal because really people don’t even think about people most of the time just themselves

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