adhdartist2023 avatar
1 year ago

What do you like about your ADhD brain?

Good in a crisis? Accomplish herculean tasks in hyper-focus that would slay a neurotypical, or maybe see patterns or underlying stories in things others don't? I'm trying to balance the changes I must make with what I can celebrate! Thanks!

adhdartist2023 avatar

Right? There are ADHD superpowers. Some of the most commonly cited adhd superpowers are: Hyperfocus: When people with ADHD are interested in a task, they can often focus on it for long periods, accomplishing more than others without ADHD Creativity and Imagination: People with ADHD often have a highly creative mind and can think outside the box Compassion and Empathy: Some people with ADHD are highly compassionate and empathetic towards others Perseverance: People with ADHD often have a strong sense of determination and can persevere through challenging tasks Multitasking: While multitasking is often seen as a negative trait, people with ADHD are often able to juggle multiple tasks at once Keen Observation: People with ADHD often Can observe details that others may miss Sense of Humor: People with ADHD often have a great sense of humor and can find the funny side of situations šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°

Breadstick11 avatar

I'm quick to learn and can easily simplify complex topics and see things others don't. I'm also a sponge for knowledge šŸ˜‰

unserioususer avatar

my spontaneous and when hyper focused i caa as n make, create, or fix anything!

adhdartist2023 avatar

In hyperfocus first, then almost at will, I see connections between seemingly disparate things in a single frame and know what could or should be done. When asked to explain how I got there, I could never walk them through my thought process or aha moments. I can't tell you how frequently that angered people and ended up on performance reviews.

pinkmess avatar

I see things in behaviors and in the environment different from neurotypical s.

Jbird avatar

Yes, yes and yes! Abstract thinking is definitely on that list... also the processing time seems to be shorter with more amount of data then my neurotypical friends.

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