ilikeicedlattes avatar
1 year ago

productivity lol

I just finished my first uni year and i have like a month and a half break and want to be productive and not lay down in bed all day….. what do i do lmao

lllaylaaa avatar

Set up a reward system for yourself. "If I spend 20-30 mins of picking up my house I can get coffee" or something like that lol. Or make it a game and challenge yourself to see how much you can get done with something everyday. Then reward yourself. BTW I just now read your username pahah the coffee should be a good reward 🤣 also try not to over do yourself all in 1 day set certain days to do 1 or 2 things a day. Even if it's a small thing at least you're getting s*** done sis!

Dolph-Face avatar

I highly recommend reading the book, “how to keep house while drowning” the book is life-changing and covers a lot more than just what the title might imply, most notably developing skills for self motivation and time management. I cannot recommend it enough, I can also forward it to anyone who see this and would like to read it.

wanginit avatar

Ask yourself these questions, what do I like to do? What interests me? What does fun feel like to me? And then you can find and engage in hobbies or activities discovering wether or not you like them. Be aware too, your time is never wasted, even if you find you don't like something you learn that much more about yourself.

samchop avatar

Lay down on a beach all day or somewhere in nature all day! It'll probably just take a few days but it is much more recharging than if laid in your own bed. Your body and brain deserve a break, and this helps clear your mind to do the things you want to do with the rest of your time

dirtylaundry avatar

Read! Seems silly but finding something you enjoy reading after school is tough and useful for relaxation

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