renatria avatar
1 year ago

Late again

Got talked to by my boss about being late to work. I have got to do better. Laying out my clothes is already on my list. I just need to do it.

ayedeedee avatar

I struggle in this area as well. I recommend trying Routinery. It takes a little effort to set up and then tweak as you go, but it has sped up my mornings and helps keep me on task! I pop in one earbud when I wake up and have the spoken notifications turned on. It’s great!

Debaconator avatar

I found that setting 2 alarms helps. The first is to take my medication. The second goes off at the same time that my fish tank light and bedroom light are scheduled to turn on. From there, I use a timer so I don’t spend too much time in the shower or putting on lotion and makeup. I always got myself completely ready before I even got my daughter out of bed. Now she does exactly the same with her 5 & 7 year old girls.

miukuti avatar

I need help with this also, i work full time and have 2 small kids 4 and 2 year old we are late everywhere and I always forget something

kgcricket81 avatar

I struggle with being on time too. In addition to the time blindness, the motivation is hard to drum up to even want to go to work. I completely understand your struggle!

shellipsis avatar

I set multiple alarms with reminds on what to do so I stay on track. Like the first one is wake up, then another for getting dressed, and another for taking my meds. Reminders are everything.

nameymcnamerson avatar

Does it have anything to do with getting distracted by other things when you’re getting ready? That’s a huge issue for me and why I’m usually running late.

imadhdoing avatar

What do you think is making it hard to get there on time aside from clothes being set out?

Carien avatar

That sounds serious. I also find it very hard to get there on time. I do it like this: - i divide getting prepared in smaller portions which need to be done at a certain time, for instance 7.30 dressed & hair done, 8.00 getting my bags/ stuff, 8.10 stepping in my car. You might also set alarms when each step should be completed? - i basicly need 3 things to go to work which i always lost during the process: mobile phone, wallet and keys. I found a mobile phone case with a cord and place for my creditcards. In the morning i am constantly wearing this, so i can’t loose it. The cord is long enough for me to use the phone or paying, without the need to take it off, so its perfect. And the keys i always hang right next to the door. - breakfast for myself: i always have yoghurt drinks for my breakfast which i can eat in the car or at work in case my schedule doesn’t work out anyway - i have my cloths hanging in my closet as complete outfits, so I don’t have to take any decisions what to combine with what. - and I don’t even try to clean up the breakfast ingredients from my kids: i just throw fresh products in the fridge and leave the rest out there 😂

adhdcatcar avatar

I’ve found if I wash all my work clothes together and only them, I can just make a stack of work clothes ready for the week

renatria avatar

That's the bulk of it. I'm always looking for ::something:: in the morning. Today I'm going to try getting stuff ready when I get home rather than trying to do it before bed.

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