yaaaaaa avatar
1 year ago

Difficult mornings

I struggle with my mornings and deal with unwanted flashes of situations that happened in the past and think about how I can work on them most of the time. I feel overwhelmed by my mental health condition and struggle to not feel overwhelmed.

SieveHeadJessie avatar

Me to! Iv just also downloaded Me+ app! Im on day 1, dopamine levels go up when completing tasks! Although my new “morning routine” hasn’t gone fully to plan this morning! There’s always tomorrow morning to tick them off! Sending love 💕

adhdreamy avatar

mornings are so difficult for me too. i struggle to get out of bed and get ready on time to go to work and do my obligations. i get constantly in trouble with others because of that and it feels like none of the strategies work for me 😅 i feel you

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