CGCrimsonLily avatar
11 months ago

ADHD deniers

Anyone struggle with being in a relationship with someone who dismisses ADHD as over-diagnosed, or as a means to excuse bad behavior? How do you deal?

lunacreative avatar

Yea, I explain that I’m sharing my experience and reasoning with them to educate them and help them understand my mind, my triggers and they way I see life. Then I still get the yeah but can’t blame everything on adhd.. I reply, tasks that are easy for you are so much harder for me and I expect you to feel proud of me or at least try and see the world through my eyes and research a little to learn about me. I said without him doing that how can he say he truely loves me if he doesn’t truely know or understand this big part of me. That helped him see well yeah it’s not going anywhere and he’s started listening better

sparky avatar

ADHDers are particularly vulnerable to narcissists and sociopaths. It’s the Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria. The narcissist love bombs you, and you gobble up the dopamine. Then, when they’ve got you, they hit you with rejection, which you cannot tolerate, so you start people-pleasing. And you dig yourself in deeper. And deeper. You may want to consider that your significant other isn’t a very nice person.

HeatherMarieee avatar

Makes sense. My boyfriend is narcissistic as they come! He did just that, was extremely persistent got me to fall in love with him was great for the first few months and now treats me as if I don’t matter and I’m always crazy. I’m pretty sure I’m at my giving up point, it’s just hard when you love someone 🥹. I’m not sure why I love him because he’s done nothing but use me and feed me lies.

joker78 avatar

I just got out of a relationship bc she was using me and being deceptive and lieing to me also I couldn't talk to other women but she says she was single all the time

tayla avatar

It can be like that with my spouse and parents. The important thing is to not give up! If they really care about you and know that you truly are trying your best, I’m sure eventually they will come to understand. It may take them some time to get there and come to terms with the fact that it’s a reality for the both of you, and it’s probably really hard for them to understand! My husband does seem to be coming around and is even supportive of the idea of me possibly starting medication to help. His coworker has ADHD and, I think getting to hear about from more than one person really helped him come around.

ViciousMilk avatar

I didn’t have a romantic relationship like this but my father (who has the ADHD) was like this at the start.

ViciousMilk avatar

I think the best thing for him was to show him that it wasn’t scary. And at some point he accepted it a bit but that may be different for this situation.

lulu101587 avatar

Yes I left the relationship it just for that reason but that was a huge issue!

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