Meds making me vape so much
I quit smoking and vaping and then went onto Elvanse and could chain vape four e-cigarettes a week. It’s making me feel awful but the meds are working so great but the cravings are insane. Anyone else dealt with this?
I quit smoking and vaping and then went onto Elvanse and could chain vape four e-cigarettes a week. It’s making me feel awful but the meds are working so great but the cravings are insane. Anyone else dealt with this?
Yep, I still deal with it and I don‘t think it‘ll get less. I guess it‘s the Amphetamins that cause the crave, but I don‘t know why. I‘ve also experienced this when I was self-medicating with Speed before I got Elvanse.
I only use my meds sparingly, as needed, but they make a HUGE difference when I actually sit down at my computer to get something done. They DO make nee vape a lot, but I think anxiety in general does that.
Is this the first medication you’ve tried? If so, and if you’d like to stay on meds for now, would your doctor be open to you trying a different medication? For me, my Vyvanse (which I believe is the same as Elvanse, just a different brand) kills most/all of my cravings but other stimulants, like Adderall, increased my focus but also increased my cravings. So it’s possible there’s a better option for you out there. And, like others have said, if you end up deciding that you’re happier and healthier without medication, that is valid as well. <3
So why do we need meds? We don’t they just make us think there is something “wrong” with us so we feed into big pharma nd so on become part of the statistics
I think that it may be true for some that we don’t need meds, but I personally couldn’t implement any effective coping mechanisms until I started Vyvanse. For me, it is absolutely necessary and makes my life a lot better. I do think it’s true that if you’re happier and healthier off meds, then that may be the right choice for you. It’s just a very personal decision. <3
Yes I have this issue with my medicine I’m down too only 10 milligrams so it’s not as bad I’m trying to go natural soon I will implement things like chamomile nd other herbs into my life I’ve gotten rid of sugar all together for the most part nd it has changed a lot of the issues I take meds for in the forst place! There are better ways to deal with ADHD nd every illness or difference without prescription meds that just cause other problems nd never address the root cause for the symptoms just masks the symptoms hun! I know that’s alot to take in but there are better ways! First of all there is nothing WRONG WOTH US adhd really just means we learn on a different level nd a different style then a neurotypical person
Can I ask HOW you were able to reduce your surgar intake so much? It may just be a difference in how our ADHD presents, but one of my biggest issues off medication is my absolute inability to control my food cravings. So I end up eating mountains of sugar. I still have mild issues with this at night after my meds have worn off, so I’m very much interested in coping skills to help avoid this! :)