waytooserious26 avatar
1 year ago

My demon brain won’t stop shaming me for the mistakes I make

How do I stop feeling gloomy when ADHD bullies me and I have little power over it?

ParabolicHeater avatar

Demon brain is a perfect name!

trav_grow avatar

Right there with you about this. Shame has been a constant companion recently. So hard to not take downfalls personally. Some things I'm playing with: 1- have and emergency ticklist of things to do when I start spiraling. It includes writing/braindump, 5 mins of mindful meditation and some form of exercise. 2- practicing acceptance and positive self talk. I am a good person, I am not my symptoms, I will keep trying to grow. 3- have a list of examples that prove that I am a good person and that my shame is detached from reality. I believe in you friend. Let's keep fighting.

Sam ZT avatar
Sam ZT

Thanks for these suggestions!

mentelocobe avatar

Converse with it…I know I sound crazy but for some reason it’s worked at times for me. I sit down (with my timer of course), and basically meditate but in my head I’m talking to my adhd. Asking it why it’s being a jerk. And then also asking myself how and why it has any power over what I do or how I feel. It is hard for me to do at times, but it usually helps just putting me as ease and realizing this bully is actually just a tiny dog with a loud bark…I’m the one holding the leash.


Tell to him that Jesus, God of the Life and Everything - He LOVES You, even WITH MISTAKES! Tell to yourself - your are super! Yes! Just say to yourself -"Name, You are Super! " , withaut any logical meanings

t3chnopol1c3 avatar

First of all, breathe out slowly and tell yourself that you are doing actually better with such a break from your self-blaming pattern. Gift yourself for this: I use ice-cream as a reward, and it really helps me ❤️‍🔥 Hope you will be able to cope with this!

TrendingTree avatar

Giving you both a huge 30 second hug! It'll be okay! Just breathe, I too deal with this and it's something you have to train to fight for. Just like any fight, you've got to prepare. Make sure to give yourself a lot of positive reinforcement. By doing this, you may see a short film called whoopass. Which involves yourself as the lead character. Whooping up on those adhd bullies. It works, and I'm hoping it works for you too. Don't focus on the mistakes they shame you for. Focus on what you learned or what else you could've taken from that scenario also

AnnHelen avatar

I usually eat a great amount of chocolate. It doesn’t help, but it tastes good🤷🏻‍♀️❤️

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