What is the best ADHD hack you've used?
Like my sister keeps deodorant in the closet because it's next to her clothes so she doesn't forget to put it on.
Like my sister keeps deodorant in the closet because it's next to her clothes so she doesn't forget to put it on.
Any calendar app helps to remind me of appointments, and having designated areas / pockets for whatever you use. Ex: my laptop wire and my phone wire all stay near the desk. My phone always goes in my left front pocket etc.
I have my top dresser drawer organized with meds, vitamins, sunscreen, moisturizer, deodorant and perfume. I did it on a whim but it’s been working for over a year!
My handbag/purse is like a suitcase. Has all I could need and want. Meds I put in pill packs and put in a small bright makeup bag from my Ipsy subscription. I usually put my glasses or whatever I am likely to forget in there so I don’t forget it. I have toothbrush, toothpaste, mints, concealer +other makeup, 1 or 2 snacks, water bottle, extra charger, deodorant, lotion, aquafor, perfume in subscription tube, etc. I use all my Ipsy bags for specific things so in that way it’s organized but like a hypochondriac in a way.
The best and most simple advice i got once is this. if you need to start something, whatever it is. But you can’t stop whatever it is your doing right now and keep delaying it. Do this: start counting out loud (or in your head of you’re not alone) from 5 to zero and begin what you needed to do. Helps from getting out of bed, to stopping to scroll on your phone or start a work task.
Tell your partner or roommate to give you a glass of water, if you stuck in paralysis. While you don't want to spill water all over the floor or break a glass, you'll be forced to hold glass and drink water, thus break paralysis. Also lessen your dehydration:)
I love the deodorant in the closet. I need one in like the closet, the car, the bathroom refrigerator next to the coffee maker…..
A Done list instead of a to do list. Basically you start each day with a blank pad and today’s date. Write down everything that you do and check it off.
Pill organizers because I take 3 prescriptions and 3 vitamins/supplements daily. If I have to open every bottle every day…. I won’t.
I keep my meds in the kitchen because I visit it several times daily and will see them. I also keep an extra few doses in the desk at work and I’m my car.
My kitchen and bedroom are upstairs and my bathroom is downstairs, so I keep my toothbrush by the kitchen sink, if I have to go downstairs to brush my teeth I probably won't 🙃
When I'm leaving my house or basically anywhere, I sing my version of head and shoulders to make sure I have the important things... Keys and wallet, yeti and phone.
I use a machine called Hero that dispenses my meds at the correct times and send a message to my phone that tells me to take them and when to refill them. It’s been a lifesaver
A morning list ands a night time list on my phone of things I need to do before I go out the door and before I go to bed. My first need of the day next to my glasses on my nightstand.
apple air tag on my keys. daytime meds are together downstairs and nighttime are upstairs.