Omyers2020 avatar
2 years ago

Completing tasks 

Hi. I have a question for all. I just got diagnosed with having ADHD. But I’ve always been an organized, sloppy, and do not like to complete tasks that I don’t like to do. So my question is what kind of techniques do y’all have to help me to complete tasks. I saw the reward technique on this app. Also the dancing and listen to music. I’ve done all that. Anything new? Please let me know. When you get a chance, reply. 

Frolic avatar

Body doubling works like a charm. Also figuring out why do you actually need to do this. If you’re studying why do you want to study this. I find that if instead of thinking I NEED to study thinking I WANT to study there is less pressure. Obviously it won’t work for everything but it’s worth a try at least.

pickles avatar

For me, it is being accountable to someone a Facebook group or a friend. Otherwise I will just keep putting it off.

nikkiadhd avatar

This is a constant struggle for me, too. Breaking tasks down into smaller tasks, and completing those smaller tasks usually helps me feel more accomplished and less overwhelmed. Then if I don’t complete the full task, at least I’ve made progress with the smaller tasks. For example, if you need to clean your room, first make your bed. Then throw any trash away. Next clear off any surfaces. This usually gets the momentum going. Then you can put all shoes away. Fold/put away clothes, etc. and so on until you have finished the bigger task of a tidy room. But do them one by one. Don’t jump around. I also like to put on a podcast, true crime or something with storytelling, that distracts from my discomfort over the unenjoyable tasks. Audiobooks can serve the same purpose. I find this really helps with the resistance I feel over really unenjoyable tasks. Or if I’m folding laundry or some other task that doesn’t require much moving around, I’ll put on a TV show that only requires partial attention. If your task is something that requires more brain power, like studying, a work assignment, or something of that sort, get it done as early in the day as possible. I find it easier to get those type of tasks done in the first half of the day. The later it gets, the more I find myself resisting anything unenjoyable. Hope this helps!!

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