ADOoooPretty avatar

The Tiimo app has a routine manager, and a visual timer on it. The app was designed for time blindness

imommy31 avatar

YouTube visual timers. They’re amazing. Also start doing what feels like overestimating how long it will take you to get ready/get there. Like if you used to say “10 minutes to get ready” say 20 minutes instead and set the timer. GPS the address, even if you know the way, to find out exactly how long it will take to get there (if your appointment is somewhere else) and add that time to your timer. If you don’t have Alexa, get one. Sync her to your phone calendar. She will remind you of appointments (weeks, days, hours or minutes out) if you have reminders set in the calendar event. Calendars app by readdle is my favorite because you can color code, and you can see up to like 5 events a day in month view.

ihateadhd13 avatar

okay so what i do is overestimate the time like CRAZYYYY. like i will seriously give myself 4 hours to get ready or do anything really where i used to give myself about 30 minutes. i still don’t understand the difference between the two, but this insane overestimation works well !! and now i’m actually early (shocking - my family has screamed at me all my life for being late (sad face😭)) to things! now they are impressed with me. :)

Demon Lady avatar
Demon Lady

When I need to be somewhere at a certain time, I schedule it in my calendar 15 - 30 min early. To "trick" myself into extra buffer time. Setting multiple alarms and reminders can help as well; label them so you know what they are for. I picked up an adhd friendly kitchen timer with the timer part a distinct color. It helps to "see" the time passing while doing chores and such.

ariesors avatar

Time yourself on your most frequent tasks and use an analogic watch so you can see the time passing

flygoyl avatar

I treat transitions between what I’m doing to the next task as important as the task. I plan in “travel time” for every thing. In other words if I have to be at work at 9. I treat it as I have to be at work at 8:30, so that if I go time blind I built in half an hour of “extra time”

whyamilike-this avatar

Never found the perfume but ate up 10 min of time

whyamilike-this avatar

Like this morning…I’m getting ready for work and all the sudden I’m like “oh where’s that one perfume I like?” So I started digging in my basket and playing with stuff I was finding and reading labels and I’m like WTF AM I DOING?’

whyamilike-this avatar

Thank u!

whyamilike-this avatar

I’m late to work almost every day despite being aware of why…I set alarms on my phone and everything

imommy31 avatar

Just sounds like you need more time to get ready or get there. Maybe time yourself getting ready one day. Put in the address in your map to see how long it takes to get where your going. Add the two times together, and then add a cushion of 15-20 minutes. The time that is All three of those added together, that much before the time of the event is when you need to start getting ready. For example if it takes you 20 minutes to get ready, 15 minutes to get there, plus the cushion, and the time to be there is at 8:00am, 20 getting ready+ 15 to get there + 20 min cushion = 55 minutes. To get there at 8:00am would put that at 7:05 to start getting ready.

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