heartbeat avatar
1 year ago

Who smokes?

I vape which I hate and try not to do! Smoking weed is the only comfort I’ve found in life besides like psychedelic’s which I take every so often to keep my depression at bay. Ketamine helps me disassociate from time to time but I cannot afford like Mindbloom and stuff. When I don’t have weed to smoke my life sucks because I do not enjoy it. Does anyone feel anything similar to this. I’ve taken adderall once and I take a addyall (aderall substitute) sometimes but that stuff doesn’t help me feel normal I just feel A LITTLE. better…. Thinking of trying to microdose with shrooms to help combat crippling anxiety and depression that never really goes away. I cause so many problems by just being myself that it hurts. The only escape that works is smoking weed and feeling normal for a few hours and being able to think clearly. I’d love to hear how you guys cope!

theadhudgotme avatar

I was heavily dependant on weed (flower/ vape) for a good 6 years maybe - and my use dropped significantly dropped when I moved to a living situation where I felt safer and more at ease. That and sativa started driving my anxiety through the roof lol. Unsure how yours is but it could be worth taking a look at your home environment (who do you live with/ near / are there certain inconveniences that make it unbearable). I also make sure now that I mostly consume cbd when I do want to use weed, for the caaalm ya know? If you haven't tried already, I like CANN - drinkable edibles that come in high cbd ratios. It's my beer now since alcohol be a hella bad mix w my meds. Not sure it does much for the depression but it soothes the anxiety a ton

BDSIngram😊 avatar

I smoked daily for years (partially for pain/mood and partially because I just like it). I’ve had several times that I felt like I was using cannabis to escape and for me that’s a yellow flag. Being able to use talk therapy, EMDR & EFT therapies and finding proper treatment for my ADHD has been SO helpful 🙌🏼 Look up EMDR & EFT (scientifically proven). They are simple things you can do at home (or with a therapist) that can help you work through years of things, in a few sessions verses years of talk therapy. I personally like a combo. When I get negative thoughts about something (myself, my day, work, relationship, etc..) I stop and state 3 positives about that thing and keep it moving 😊 Meditation and mindfulness breathing has also helped me quite a bit 🥰 You’ve got this and you can make it through it!! 🫶🏼

imommy31 avatar

Only here to say My naturopath recommends everyone take HCL with meals if they smoked because it’s been found to lower stomach acid which can lead to lots of problems including gallbladder, diabetes, etc. So if you smoke, take HCL to combat low stomach acid!

lilmissXtra avatar

I started microdosing a year ago after talking to my therapist. And for me personally it helped. I started out doing it 3-4 days a week for the first month and then slowly started stepping down. Now I just do it every once and awhile when my anxiety and depression symptoms bubble up. It gives my brain a break from the noise and makes me process and manage things better. If you take enough to feel it right away then you’re taking to much. Microdosing works by taking enough for the mental health benefits but not enough for you to feel like you have taken mushrooms. There’s a happy medium that you have to find.

ParabolicHeater avatar

I think it might be helpful to examine the way you think and how much of it is reasonable. Talking to a therapist along with analyzing my behavior helped me realize things I would never suspect on my own. Hearing from Other people was also helpful. Weed is nice at the end of the day though. I know the clarity it can bring. But life shouldn’t suck without it. I have been there though. I guess weed slows me down, and that’s what I need. Things that I’d be usually oblivious to become clear. Treating it like an aid helped me. I was able to put 2 and 2 together and realized I might have adhd. Now that I found a medicine that has helped me, I don’t long for weed anymore. You’re doing great by looking closely at your habits! Dry herb vaporizers are nice too. You just use regular flower, no combustion or oils or extra ingredients.

Olha from Kyiv avatar
Olha from Kyiv

I think I have a problem with alcohol. It helps me relax. I've figured out that you pay for your mental health one way or another anyways, so if I quit, would it be any better? No, because I can't live normally with the amount of obsessive thoughts that I have. There are healthier way though, like sports and medication.

Olha from Kyiv avatar
Olha from Kyiv

I don't drink so much like I see other people do.. Like, I drink a bottle oor two of cider every other day. I can see some people drink a bottle of whiskey so I'm not that bad. But in my opinion, it's too much anyways. No I'm not taking any meds.

MarsBars91 avatar

I guess you already said you know there's healthier ways lol

MarsBars91 avatar

I'm sorry you're going through that. Do you take any prescriptions? It's just that self medicating with alcohol can be detrimental to your health, especially your liver. And it's more likely to negatively effect those around you.

marcnking avatar

I smoke everyday and have for 5 years. What I’ve recognized is weed helps you get over things but sometimes you really just need to get through things. Weed for me just makes me get over things I should be stressed over and it’s great because it does! But also you gotta deal with the stuff that makes you stressed. Also - I’m trying to quit vaping right now too, highly highly recommend nicotine patches. They really do the job and get rid of the craving.

Mack313 avatar

Saying this with love and positivity. It sounds like you both are using drugs to compensate for legitimate mental health and neurological needs. Maybe it’s time to talk to someone and get help. It seems like y’all are suffering, and you don’t deserve to. Best of luck to you!

heartbeat avatar

Yes I need weed to calm down to that’s my only real escape that I feel comfortable taking. I have coke to realize there are many things I never dealt with that I should have, but I was drinking to cope for 1-2 years and that hurt me body wise and brain wise a lot. I got thru those days but when I started depending on the alcohol it got really bad. I was spending so much money and always drunk any chance I got to drink I took it. So not having weed is very hard for me, I constantly struggle with not enough money to be happy and when I can’t afford weed I get so depressed because I know I will never have that escape to reset and I have bad days everyday without it.

t3chnopol1c3 avatar

I’m the one who has to take illegal things to keep myself on the road. I am well with it, and seems like I don’t need any additional help, but I have my bf - and he’s feeling better while taking sulphate amph (which is one of the substances used in Adderall) + smoking weed. And it doesn’t work for him as there is no weed. So

t3chnopol1c3 avatar

And yep, as for the ordinary cigs - forgot to mention that in the main comment - the next year it will be 10 years of my smoking 🚬

t3chnopol1c3 avatar

I see that she might be building a perfect picture of you and you’re afraid of seeing her picture broken - cause it makes you think that your relationship wouldn’t be the same as this happens. I learned one thing: sharing some stuff like this with the one you love means the great, respectful attitude towards this person - and if they are really attuned to be with you, they will accept your honesty and respect! So don’t be afraid to have a bit of kinda coming out - maybe, gradually, through several long warm talks will go :)

heartbeat avatar

See it’s like this for me and I gave my gf some addyall which is the substitute for adderall I think she takes it every once in a while. But I smoke weed to literally function properly and I don’t think she ever fully understands that from my point of view. I like harder drugs like coke every once and a while and I haven’t even been able to tell her in the 3 years we been together I do not feel open to talk about stuff like that. She immediately thinks I’m a terrible person for what I do to cope with life and that makes me shut down… like I always want her support but I always get the why I shouldn’t do that not her looking into why it would be helping me. Does that make sense

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