ADHDRaven avatar
2 years ago

How many of you were diagnosed with ADHD as an adult?

I'm curious how many others were diagnosed as an adult? Also how many of you dealt with a misdiagnosis before finally getting an ADHD diagnosis? I am newly diagnosed with ADHD. I suffered from a misdiagnosis of Bipolar before getting the right diagnosis of ADHD. I had been on heavy meds, I'm looking forward to being on the right meds for my ADHD, depression, and anxiety. I'm currently working on getting my meds right and am in therapy now.

pandababy avatar

Yes, this is me too. Diagnosed at 29. Had been misdiagnosed with bipolar at age 22. I’m finally off of all the bipolar meds (with the direction of my doctor). It was such a relief when it clicked that what I was dealing with was ADHD. For me, though, part of why I was misdiagnosed bipolar was because I also had undiagnosed PTSD. Either way, I’m so grateful to now be headed in the right direction and getting the right treatment.

farbeside525 avatar

🙋🏼‍♀️ diagnosed at 27 after being diagnosed with anxiety, depression, and PTSD. Spent years on various antidepressants before finally getting diagnosed with ADHD. The psychologist who did my evaluation said that she felt that my anxiety was very clearly a result of my ADHD and was directly caused by being anxious about how others would react to my ADHD behaviors.

Ninini avatar

Diagnosed at 29. After that I don’t feel shame about myself anymore and try to be more patient to me

damselfly avatar

Diagnosed ADHD at 31, Autism at 47 #audhd

sourlemonade avatar

I was diagnosed at 18. Was misdiagnosed with several other disorders first. It was kind of ridiculous. Went through a full year of treatment for DID, which I do not have. My “forgetting what I’ve done and feeling like a different person” was just ADHD and dissociation due to untreated PTSD. “Having many different hobbies and losing interest easily” was also just ADHD. My changing personal preferences on clothing and food was due to sensory processing issues that stemmed from my, you guessed it, ADHD. I am now correctly diagnosed with ADHD, PTSD, anxiety, and depression. And the medications I am on ACTUALLY help me vs. the ones I was in when I was misdiagnosed making me feel worse and not helping at all. I hope you start feeling better with the right treatment as well! Best of luck to you 💗

naturalborngoth avatar

Not diagnosed. But I’ve been through two diagnoses with my kids - one ADHD, the other AuADHD. All the same symptoms are there. I’ve always managed to keep things under control with coping mechanisms. But at 50, peri menopause is just completely messing with my brain and things that were minor annoyances once have become REAL struggles.

reallymagicwit avatar

I understand what you’re going through with peri-menopause, I became absolutely vile, estrogen patches have brought me back to me, I highly recommend HRT.

ericorn avatar

Age 39 with my dx.

winston avatar


kat95 avatar

Hi! I was 27 when I was diagnosed and was diagnosed with depression initially- still wondering whether there are autistic tendencies as well

sumisadd avatar

I was. Just recently and I’m 50

LIA11 avatar

I wasn’t diagnosed until I was 23. 4 years into college that I still hadn’t finished because I was struggling for unknown reasons (undiagnosed ADHD). I actually never finished college because of it and I hate myself for it.

Ranya avatar

I was 33, had depression, panic attacks and chronic fatigue

Ranya avatar


adhdreamy avatar

i was recently diagnosed at 26, but had various previous diagnosis of depression, anxiety, panic, bipolar, borderline, pretty much anything but adhd. except none of the treatments i’d get would help and i’d never get better and the symptoms were still there. everytime i tried to talk about the struggles i had since childhood, nobody seemed interested. eventually, when attention deficit started getting me in serious adult life trouble because i wasn’t paying my bills and getting into car accidents, my current therapist decided to refer me to take professional adhd tests and evaluations, and i was properly diagnosed. after that, i started getting treatment, and the experience was like nothing i’d never tried before, i got significantly better and more functional, and able to do things that i had never had the focus to do in my life. now i’m starting to be taken a tiny bit more seriously instead of being treated as just lazy or desorganized :P

rahma avatar

I self diagnosed myself few months back 29yo yet to be formally diagnosed when I can afford it.

undo03 avatar

I wasn't diagnosed as a kid, I am yet to go to a medical pro for this. What medical professional do you go to get diagnosed?

ADHDRaven avatar

I went to my psychiatrist for a diagnosis. I'm almost 32. Maybe check with your insurance and see what psychiatrists in your area accept your insurance and see if any of them specialize in ADHD.

missfancy avatar

I was 18

cookiecat avatar

Diagnosed at 21 but no regrets. Here’s to all the adults who failed us as children 🙃

erinr avatar

Diagnosed at 40

Julia from Numo avatar
Julia from Numo

I diagnosed in 28 yo

tldk333 avatar

Got mine recently and starting to take pills now. On one hand I'm relieved there's finally a light at the end of the tunnel and I'm excited to hopefully find the right dosage with my doc soon. On the other hand I'm still disappointed in all these docs and psychiatrists ignoring on my adhd years and years before, because reflecting on myself now, it was so obvious. They'd always tell me it comes from my depression and bpd, but they'd never listen when I told them that I've struggled with my adhd symptoms as a child when I didn't suffer from my mental illnesses. It was a long journey to finally get diagnosed and honestly without support from my close ones I would probably still procrastinate on making the effort to stick on getting all these appointments needed to get diagnosed.

RoeCo avatar

Same! Just diagnosed in my early 30s but always been told bipolar due to family history

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