bbgnwt avatar
1 year ago

Adhd treatment

Does anyone manage their adhd without medication? I’ve been doing research & found a lot about diets, exercise & using apps or writing everything down, but was wondering if anyone had any personal experience or recommendations? Thank you!

ADOoooPretty avatar

Im fairly certain my toddler's have it. I don't want to put them on meds yet so I've done some research. :Look up foods beneficial to people with ADHD. It'll be foods rich in vitamins, minerals people with ADHD are deficient in, along with foods that prompt your brain to produce the chemicals ADHD brains are deficient in. :Get yourself on a routine. While your ADHD brain will get bored with it, it is vital to get yourself on a sleep schedule, and some form of routine to help keep your brain from distributing hormones, vitamins, minerals, brain chemicals differently every day because it doesn't know what you're going to do next. :I'm not too sure if naturopathy is popular in your country, but getting a holistic opinion on how to approach it could also help. :Research other disorders linked to ADHD. I don't know them all, but ones I have are neurodivergent, DSDP, RSD, Hypermobility, time blindness. Finding ways to manage these will also help. :Check out Dr. Daniel G. Amen's research on the 7 different types of ADHD. It isn't recognized science, but has helped me navigate my own, and my children's ADHD differently, and in my opinion better than before finding his research.

moonbugz avatar

I’m 16 so I still have ways to go, but I was on and off on medication when I was around 8-12 I believe, I stopped it because it seemed like it really wasn’t doing anything, so from personal experience It doesn’t really effect me, but it can be different for others of course. Honestly I don’t really have a set schedule either, I just do whatever needs to be done the best I can, and school and such.. I was going to say recommendations but honestly my mind has gone completely blank my bad I don’t even know why I’m still typing lord have mercy I’m so sorry

whowhatwhen avatar

I’m 34 and just started taking meds, and I don’t even take them every day. Routine is actually AMAZING for us, waking up early and working out make you feel so accomplished that you just want to keep going with that sense of let’s see how much I can do today. I always struggle with discipline in doing it because my work schedule is all over the place and I often travel, so that always throws my routine out the window and takes me a while to get back to it. But whenever I manage to do it I feel like the absolute best version of myself.

SagaJenesis avatar

I have utilized apps like To-Do that sync to my emails so flagged ones show up and then I can use that for tracking responses and have a large goal with steps. I also use time based tools like “I want to clean x before this song is done”, to make it a competition. Pomodoro timers work great for me on work tasks, because the break is for me to check in with my body and unclench myself. I am an assistive technology specialist so I am happy to comment tools as I come across them.

SagaJenesis avatar

Yes, Microsoft To Do

ParabolicHeater avatar

Is that “Microsoft To-do”?

mickey avatar

If I go on a break, I never come back from them

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