PrincessViper avatar
1 year ago


I just had surgery last Wednesday and my stepson graduates high school tomorrow, he didn’t invite his ex step mom cause she was abusive, he doesn’t know his bio mom, I’ve been his one mother figure that feels like a mom to him and now my mom and mother in law are telling me I should stay home from his graduation because of my surgery. But I can’t NOT be there to support him! Do I go and deal with the consequences (more pain/slower healing) but make him happy? Or do I break his little heart and tell him I can’t go?

PrincessViper avatar

I’m going!!!! ☺️ resting up as much as I can prior to go in hopes that it helps. Also saved some pain meds for tonight cause I’ll need them

jleonard1011 avatar

That’s great to hear! I’m so happy for you! Please let us know how it went.

Cazzie24 avatar

Just go! He will remember it for the rest of his life and if you need extra time to recover it will only be a few more days. Feeling guilty for not going may prolong your healing for a few days too!

jleonard1011 avatar

I'm tempted to say the memory will last longer than your injury. As long as you aren't risking further complications, I would personally try to go. Hopefully his school has a wheelchair you can use. Good luck.

frazzled avatar

I love jleonard1011’s comment, “the memory will last longer than your injury.” Take precautions, call ahead to the school to see if they will allow you to enter early and leave early. Use a wheelchair if you have too. You can rent those from any home health care store. It’ll suck for you, but your son…that’s right, YOUR son will know that you love him unconditionally, there’s no gift better than unconditional love.

copper_dove avatar

I’d honestly ask him… I’m also one to follow my heart rather than my head cuz in the end we never really know what’ll happen, but truthfully I’d prolly try and figure something out w stepson himself (I’d also probably end up going if I could, but that might just be me lol)

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