It is a time of transition & learning after diagnosis.
My recommendations:
1. Read one relevant ADHD article most days. (Web MD and Mayo Clinic both have good info you can trust.)
2. Don’t rush to change everything. KEEP what works for you and give new approaches a chance.
3. I initially kept my diagnosis private. I only shared it with my spouse, two kids, and my 3 sisters.
4. Keeping my diagnosis quiet initially, was the right choice for me. As I tried to accept and understand MY ADHD, I tried different ADHD meds, went to talk therapy to help me understand ADHD and me, tried ADHD tips & understand myself, I frequently fumbled & failed, with some successes. I discussed the fails and success only within my trusted group and my therapist. I didn’t discuss any of it with co-workers and friends . Both didn’t pay that much attention to my ups and downs because they had no idea what I was going through.
5. Some things helped me other things did not. What works is as individual as you are.
5. Medicine doesn’t make ADHD go away. If your current med makes you feel lousy, talk to your doctor and try another ADHD medication. (Give each medication a few weeks or months b4 deciding it doesn’t help.) Some ADHD coping tips will work for you, others will not.
I WOULD NOT GO BACK TO THE WAY THINGS WERE PRIOR TO MY DIAGNOSIS, taking medication for ADHD and depression, and understanding why I do things the way I do. Once you have taken action, having a non-judgmental community, like this one,
helps to feel ‘normal’ and understood.