luvsic avatar
1 year ago

Was discussing the events after death with a friend.

She said she felt dread in knowing that once we are gone, it’s like it never happened and is just erased from existence. At least from our perspective. So I asked how do you know it never was? And how do you know it hasn’t already been an infinite amount of times? And what does our perspective matter after we kick the bucket? It’s not like we’re here to experience it anymore. Life is tangible, whether it all be a collective dream or a brain in a vat or just evolutionary happenstance, i know for certain that I experience things and things experience me. One day that will not be the case, and I accept it. Impermanence is nothing to be afraid of. What matters most, at least in terms of my modern human existence, has always been in front of me here and now in the present moment. Still, I’m in my 20s, and who knows what else I’ll learn on the way out. Just brain-dumping.

luinmiria avatar

I get both perspectives honestly. Sometimes I think the fact that life is impermanent is a huge part of what makes it beautiful, and embracing the impermanence can really make you sort of crystallize the moment you’re in right then - everything becomes a little sharper. But I also get freaked if I think too hard about what non existence will actually be like - like what it would feel like in my brain and body to die and not exist. Maybe that’s what she’s thinking about?

crackplant avatar

I think it’s about meaning. I get her point because I also want to feel like being here mattered, somehow, rather than being gone and forgotten.

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