sammytang avatar
1 year ago

Procrastinating on uni and jobs

I’m really really struggling with managing university and commiting to a job. It’s now summer and I still have four overdue essays that I cannot complete due to my attention span being non existent. Some were due january!! I think they’re going to kick me out of uni soon which I’m really sad about cause I know I can do better. I do love my course but the thought of being overwhelmed by all the work makes actually doing it impossible. I’ve also been looking for a job for a whole year now, made plenty of excuses to turn down offers for jobs cause I think I’m not good enough. I then realise I need to pay for my flat and student finance can only get me so far. I’m so behind in uni, I feel overwhelmed and end up doing absolutely nothing. watching everything crumble going about my day pretending it’s not an issue. I also was ment to call my doctor a year ago to have an adhd test cause this is literally ruining everything in my life that I care about. Yet I still haven’t cause.. procrastination 🕺🏼 I would highly appreciate if anyone could give me advice on how to manage these things cause I’ve hit a major low now and have basically just given up on everything :)

Raenia avatar

At this point, the best thing you can do is start, let yourself feel anxiety, write crap but know that its ok and it will get easier with time. You are great and you will do great, let yourself learn by making some mistakes!!

sammytang avatar

Thank you so much!! I’m struggling hard but this does help, a journal by my desk would probably help me take my feelings out without feeling completely swamped haha

jovibohnert avatar

Can you pick an item and think of an accountability partner? Maybe someone needing to do that essay at the same time? (At least for the new stuff?) I think having people I studied with literally saved me in school and uni. During the time I didn’t pursue this, I was very bad and almost failed and dropped out. Having someone who does it at the same time gives me the pressure early and then it doesn’t get too late. You don’t have to do it for everything but maybe you can start trying this with one thing of your to do list that is suitable!

greta avatar

Sounds like you need to pick the easiest hard thing and do it first. You’re struggling with anxiety. Unfortunately, you’re going to have to work through it, but fortunately you CAN. Pick one thing to start with, and get your ball rolling. If it’s an essay, then you need to chunk it into small pieces. Rough draft it. Give yourself permission to write utter crap. Sometimes when I’m writing, I’ll make claims and then use a different color and say “insert citation” to remind myself to do it later, but not at that moment. That allows me to keep writing, and not get distracted. You haven’t entirely given up, you’re here!!!! Kudos!!!!

sammytang avatar

YES YES YES I will definitely try this today thank you so much for helping 😌

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