Rania7 avatar
1 year ago


I don’t think the mates group is working…my Group keeps changing and the environment in each one is not as supportive as before that we were all together. Just a thought

joatmon23 avatar

Some days you’re on and some days you’re off. If you do this everyday it may suck up all your time. It’s YOUR journey. share when you can, suck up energy when you feel down. This is just another tool. It’s not gonna fix your life. You have to fix it. We are a tribe. A big one at that. Hopefully you grab a boost here or there and give something back. If you share what you know…you’ll grow too. Hope this helps!

Rania7 avatar

I didn’t mean that. I understand what you say I think. But I specifically mentioned interaction and not even daily I have been using the app for more than 6 months. And before we were made into mate groups there was a bigger pool of people. So they ones who had on days would find each other instantly and show basic support. That’s it. It absolutely cannot fix our life. I use meds I see my therapist I use another two apps and smart watch and focus groups or body doubling groups when I can. I accept my off days too, no shame or guilt for that its normal. Thanks for the input though!

kintsugiwarrior avatar

There’s no real interaction from anyone in mine. I give kudos every time I’m on but I wish there was a way to interact more.

Jonas avatar


LetLoose avatar

This is only my second day using the app. I have not much feedback but I hope that picks up. Is there a way we could save friends to create our own communities?

Ran7a avatar

Me too, not any way that I know of yet.

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