kirmesimKopf avatar
1 year ago

Body doubling

I have adhd and big problems in getting things started. I will do nothing for the whole day and just watch as my to do list is getting bigger an bigger. My sister is also diagnosed with ads and we found a „hack“ that really helps us both; we call each other on video chat and just go on with our normal day. For example; I wake up at 9 o’clock but can’t make it out of bed. So I lay in bed for hours, scrolling through my phone, doing absolutely nothing but meanwhile I know, I have to do a lot of things today. So I call her and just after 1-2 minutes I get up, I make my bed, I start working and she is just with me. I don’t know why, but it helps a lot in getting things started and not think about it too long. Has anyone else such experience? Or maybe an other hack how you get yourself to start your tasks?

Nissi avatar

What is that? I need a body double

Sparkle Motion avatar
Sparkle Motion

Yes, body doubling is amazing! Some of my ND Discords also have body doubling channels.

chicken_or_egg avatar

That’s amazing! Haven’t tried it yet.

Rania7 avatar

Absolutely 💯 good job! Body doubling is amazing for so many things!

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