t3chnopol1c3 avatar
1 year ago

Yo, Ukrainians, how do you get ur meds?

As far as I know, medication similar to Adderall, Dexedrine & even Ritalin are not legal in our country. How do you get meds without breaking bad stuff? 🫠 I was taking venlafaxine 37,5mg recently, but also had to take even a little bit of classic stimulants to keep myself on the track. Are there any ways to get meds legally? So tired of this never-ending searching quest🥶 Also, I tried having natural supplies (natural stimulants), but it’s less effective than the classic legally prohibited ones… (Policeman’s cap that I got from my uncle who lives in Sloviansk, Donetsk region, for your attention 👮🏻‍♂️ nobody in my family works with police, though, my uncle got it from some policeman who was having drinks with his alcoholic squad 😵‍💫)

Yo, Ukrainians, how do you get ur meds?
Olha from Kyiv avatar
Olha from Kyiv

No meds for me, I'm too broke and I'm scared of doctors so I can't get a prescription.

t3chnopol1c3 avatar

Same here, and the way I always underestimate my problems “I am ok, no need to ask for medical advice, they will definitely tell me that I just overthink things and have no diagnosis” - so for me, the only one way is left to cope with the ADHD medicine, the illegal one. Hope we can get better soon and meds will be easier to get!

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