unserioususer avatar
1 year ago

unfinished everything

so i will do my laundry but never put it up, i will do the dishes but never put them up . i will vacuum the floor but my vacuum is now in the middle of my floor. i cant seem to finish anything. except rarely when im hyper focused on something, like this week i have painted tables and dressers i found on curbs. when i should have been putting up my laundry and ect

ADHDsmk avatar

When my laundry is done, I put it on the couch to be folded and put away. It can sit on the couch for days.

Princesslay avatar

I’ll do my laundry but it’ll take about a week to put them away. I tried folding them after I take the out the dryer and now it take about 3-4 days at most to put them away

chaisaidcha avatar

I’ve thrown out the dishes just so I could start with a clean slate so to speak

CarliAnnaballe avatar

I use the might as well method... might as well just do the cups, or just the plates. Then it usually leads to me doing more than intended, but I feel satisfied because I completed part of the task

FBGM99 avatar

I feel it hahah

karmakat avatar

Throw out the word should from your vocab. It’s never helpful. Adhd or any neurodivergence requires one to learn how their brain works and then how to support that process. Some days you won’t have the energy/interest to do the cleaning AND put away all the things. For me I know that if I don’t take the laundry out of the dryer and put it away immediately, it will sit in the basket unfolded but clean. So sometimes I just dig thru the hamper for clean undies. When my brain gets annoyed with that it will motivate me to put things away. Could take awhile to get to that point, maybe I never get there.

stephster17 avatar

Last night I should have been baking a cake for today...spent the evening hyper-focused on cleaning my back porch...had to bake cake very early this morning! 🤦‍♀️

unserioususer avatar

lol i was cleaning couch cushions this morning. but still haven't put away the vacuum or now the upholstery cleaner.

brokenbrain avatar

Yes! How to fix it is what i am struggling with…


Omg we have the same life!!!!! How do we fix it?!?! Lol how long have you been on this app?

stephster17 avatar

I'm 39 and undiagnosed. Just came to the realization recently. I have an 18 yr old son who is diagnosed and he took meds for a while but hated them. He wasn't diagnosed until 11, he didn't have the hyperactive part either...neither do I. I don't remember what my point was haha, just relating I guess!

unserioususer avatar

i downloaded the app a few hours ago. and im not on meds , when i take my meds it's seems like all i do is watch tv. i like me better as me. but at the same time it's annoying. and what do we do about it . well idk . i wasn't diagnosed until i was 27 yrs old. bc as a female i don't have the "hyperactive " symptoms i guess. lol i guess i should have just said i don't think there is anything that can be done other than medication. but even then my thought process isn't like other people.

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