neurospicy1 avatar
1 year ago

Holding pee 🫣 and not eating?

Okay so, is this a just me thing or an adhd thing. I will not go to the bathroom even though I have to go very badly, to carry on with whatever it is that I’m doing. Or simply because I don’t feel like going. I also find myself simply just not eating because cooking is such a daunting task. I know depression and I definitely don’t feel depressed.. can anyone relate?

jellyburn avatar

This post reminded me to go pee. My bladder is thanking you

bluebird711 avatar

I do it to

homegnome82 avatar

I’ll say to myself I have to pee, then end up doing numerous things on the way to the bathroom and forgetting. Same with eating. I’ll want to go make something then end up getting distracted and not eating at all.

ashbell78 avatar

Yes!! I do these all the time all the time. I actually gave myself (met the criteria for) an eating disorder on accident (arfid) because I was always so uninterested in food or just not hungry. It is also just daunting like you said. Trying to figure out what textures or flavors to eat and then spending time making it or going to buy it and then dishes most of the time. A good tip for that is trying to prep meals. There are so many good easy "one dish" recipes and once you start on one meal maybe you'll get into a groove and you can cook some more to save for the following days. Another thing is buying fruit (pre cut so it easier) and then prepping fruit salads in small containers so you can just grab it and go. As for the pee thing, I totally get that and I know it's really bad for your bladder to hold it all the time. So something that kinda works is getting into a habit of going to pee after the 2nd or 3rd wave of that feeling. Idk if everyone gets that but it's like a wave of having to pee rly rly bad and then it goes away for a while and then come back way worse. Good Luck!!

msp3000 avatar

It is not just you. I often catch myself doing that, but then I remember it is very unhealthy and go to pee. Have that in mind. Just stand up, do what you must, wash your hands, have a glass of water, and continue.

CometOfTheNights avatar

These are ADHD things (I do them too, like I am doing right now😂) 😅😅

disneyprincess avatar

Yes it’s a neurospicey thing

abandbutterfly avatar

Omg I do it all the time I thought it was just me I refuse to pee until the last possible moment

Raims avatar

I do this I have to pee my body is saying but I don't go. An if I didn't have kids I wouldn't eat at all

abandbutterfly avatar


samson avatar

Yep, for both. Lol I would starve to death if I didn’t have a child. When he’s not home I survive off cereal & sandwiches

kermby avatar

I do both of these things for sure. It almost always feels like an inconvenience to use the bathroom or cook.

deetskeet avatar

I do the eating thing. And my boyfriend does the pee thing. We both have adhd...that's a wonderful question ⁉️

neurospicy1 avatar

Thank you for responding. It’s like I know I have to pee and I’m hungry .. but I’ll wait until I’m about to burst or pass out from hunger.. I’m really working on listening to my body especially with the hunger thing

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