I've known for a long time that I have adhd but my mum didn't take me to get it confirmed as a child, is it fairly simple to get on medocation? If you're not taking medication how are you handling your symptoms?
I've known for a long time that I have adhd but my mum didn't take me to get it confirmed as a child, is it fairly simple to get on medocation? If you're not taking medication how are you handling your symptoms?
I'm in Canada and it wasn't excessively difficult to get on medication but I would go to your GP prepared with some evidence (a self assessment and some examples of how your symptoms are negatively impacting your life) as my doctor was really wary about prescribing me medication without a diagnosis. It really depends on your doctor. Medication will not fix all your symptoms but for some people (myself included) find it really helpful with managing. I used to have extremely bad task paralysis that is markedly better but my ability to focus for extended periods is still not great.
I’m in Canada and it wasn’t hard. (Probably should’ve been a tad more difficult tbh 😆) I just went to my doctor saying I thought I had adhd and they went through a bunch of screening questions and then gave me a prescription. I’m small so I just have a low dose of concerta. I would note though…It’s not a fix all. Working on putting better time management, procrastination and motivation strategies and and tools in place I think is still most important, but for me it’s really reduced the overwhelm/anxiety/depression cycle and allowed me to actually use tools to manage my adhd. Now even if I don’t take it for a few days, I have strategies to help myself manage symptoms.