ohmu. avatar
1 year ago

Possible ASD (level 1)/asperger

I have felt for a while that my ADD/ADHD-PI doesn't tell the whole picture. I've done several autism/Asperger assessments and they all give high scores, which could indicate ASD. I find it hard to find good info about how this combination might present in an individual. I can only find info on either ASD or ADHD in isolation. I wonder if someone (or a family member) with this combination has some stories or descriptions of how this might present/look like. I have issues with the following, but there is such a big overlap with ADHD: - Sounds/lighting being very uncomfortable. Sounds especially often lead to me having to walk away from a situation - Sensitive to smells - Clothes not being comfortable (to some extent) - Get extremely obsessed with an idea or hobby, to the point of not being able to do anything else - Get very frustrated when I have to change how I do things. Not so much when I do things. - Have a really hard time figuring out what is the right thing in certain situations. I tend to go with the initial plan in a quite literal manner (in case of instructions), with no room for flexibility until someone tell me an alternative - Strong sense of right and wrong and have a hard time deviating from it (flexibility) - Frequently misunderstand people - Frequently have issues making myself understood/getting my point across - Have a hard time showing my feelings through facial expressions (even with family members), and often feel like I have to force a smile or exaggerate facial expressions. It's not that I don't have feelings, they're just very internal. - Stimming... but might as well be fidgeting 🤷‍♂️ Especially while lying in bed I have movements that are involuntary, like twitching my head or legs. And rubbing my feet (to the point of getting "rub marks")

ohmu. avatar

Thank you for sharing!! I definitely recognize many of the things you mentioned. Since writing this post I've gotten diagnosed with inattentive ADHD, with autistic tendencies.

ohmu. avatar


bubblesbling avatar

I am pretty sure I have autism too. I have all of those things you just listed and also, plans cannot change without atleast 2 weeks notice for anything. Although I like novelty from adhd I like predictability and repetition. I want to try new foods but the idea of buying something and hating it feels like failure that I must avoid at all costs. I also am very sensitive to noise. Moreso than most people I have ever met with just adhd. I would also say that my hyperfocus leans more toward a combo with 'special interest' aka a never ending obsession with a subject or thing for my whole life. I loved rockets and trains/cars/buses etc. As a child (still obsessed with rockets and fighter jets. This might not sound like an autism thing, but I'm a psychosocial worker professionally too and there are SO MANY people with autism that loved planes/trains etc. Also, I have a big problem with textures, specific noises like mouth sounds, crunchy wet slimy. Sounds bad but I am like a cat with water. It's a big struggle for me to even wash my hands. Thank God for hand sanitiser. It's not just the executive functioning, it's the sensory. I take a lot of things very literally. Makes me seem dumb to other people. But I know I'm really smart! It just doesn't look that was to neurotypical people who only see the face value things that I make mistakes with and can't look past them!

ohmu. avatar

Replied in the main thread, accidentally

bubblesbling avatar

I also walk on my toes a lot. Not so much as an adult but I always walked on my toes as a child. This is a common behaviour for people with autism. You're taking half of the sensory load away from the soles of your feet, pretty interesting!

bubblesbling avatar

I have meltdowns too. They don't seem to be like adhd ones all the time. The cause is generally change related. I hate it when people change plans. Or if know what my schedule is for the day, and my partner suddenly wants me to come and help them with gettung to and from the mechanic or something. I get REALLY upset depending upon how overwhelmed I am. Even a week in advance if things change I am incredibly stressed. I am a perfectionist. To the point that I will spend hours making sure that pixels line up on graphic designs that I make on Canva and other stuff. I'm really good at noticing inconsistencies. I'm ace at attention to detail and awareness of my environment. I stim with my feet mostly. Wiggle my toes. I think I must have unconsciously learnt to as a child because then people can't see it inside my shoes.

Jonas avatar

Looking at this a couple of days later, I think that everything that I have listed can be part of inattentive ADHD.

Jonas avatar

To the point of getting assessed by a professional: I've been struggling with depression and anxiety my whole life, and I have been on different medications and done countless hours of therapy. The last bout was really bad, and I ended up in 24/7 psychiatric care for 2 weeks. I've since been told by several doctors and two therapists that I have ADHD (most likely the type without a lot of hyperactivity). I did an official assessment to be put on a waiting list last summer, where it said "suspected ADD and autism". The issue here in Stockholm, Sweden (and probably elsewhere), is that the waiting time to get a full assessment by professionals is 2+ years. So yes: I want to get an official diagnosis and try out ADHD meds. In the meantime my head will spin and analyze everything. As I stated earlier, I'm fairly positive that I have ADD. But I'm wondering if that's the whole picture. I have a therapist for now, and we are doing CBT therapy (as well as my medicine; venlafaxine and bupropion)

Jonas avatar

Also I have both ADHD and ASD in the family.

Jonas avatar

The part I missed to mention is that I, once I started reading up on it, identified quite heavily with ADHD-PI, but not as clearly with ASD.

KushiKat avatar

I also feel like I have symptoms from both sides that kind of erase each other. Many of what you described. I have decided that I want an official diagnosis now as I cannot keep guessing and worrying

Midwest Lady avatar
Midwest Lady

Jonas, I tried for years to self diagnose myself for depression. (wasn't aware of the ADHD then.) I even had a doctor that would prescribe the anti-depressant I’d self researched. The results weren't stellar. Finally I went to a practitioner specializing in mental health. She selected a medication and therapy that worked. Wow! She later correctly diagnosed ADHD, a big contributor to the depression. Am I symptom free? No, of course not, but I wonder were I'd be if I'd continued to self-diagnose. Not in a good place. There is a reason they have hours of additional classes and even more hours in real life training in diagnosis. I don't think your symptoms sound like Asperger's. However since I'm not a mental health expert, I won't say more. Good Luck

Jonas avatar

Thanks for sharing! Yeah, I know it's not good to speculate, but can't help it. I relate to your experience. I have added an in depth answer in the common thread on the post.

nikihd008 avatar

Going through the same thing myself, I relate very much to all your symptoms. Also with my son..he's only 9, just went back on a trial of meds for ADHD for only 5 days and immediately he was intensely overstimulated and symptoms were worse.

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