sgill83 avatar
2 years ago


Why do I never want to the day to day routine stuff. It’s so hard to get moving. However the fun stuff , I will move my tasks around to do the fun stuff. I am supposed to be going to an appointment that I have a been putting off for months tomorrow and I am dreading it so much.

sgill83 avatar

I did it. I sucked it up and got it done. Now I don’t have to go back ever!

beatbats avatar

Pretty understandable not to want to do boring things. I wish I could only do fun things all the time too, but it’s not possible, bc even the fun this would get boring after a time. With boring things, I try to focus on how I’ll feel AFTER I’ve done them. Eg. dishes? I think about how I will feel good when I have clean dishes to use … If I’m dreading something, like an appointment, I might ask myself why am I dreading it? What’s behind my worry? What’s the worst that can happen? how will I handle it? Good luck!

SandWater avatar

It's hard to have to think about everything that should be internalized. That's exhausting, but even doing one thing instead of all that is a Victory. I find it more livable to live with accepting that I won't be able to do everything, instead of beating myself up bc I don't do all the things like a neurotypical. Acceptance is not easy and I still have days when I hate myself for it, but ok I brushed my teeth, did something fun and well survived for another day and it's a victory. Take Care of yourself, the way you struggle today it's not your fault and knowing that could help you tomorrow :)

CometOfTheNights avatar

This is how ADHD is... The routine stuff are "routines" and "ordinary" things that ADHD brains struggle with... I think there are no other whys that you might be expecting :( Sorry for that :(

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