cocodee avatar
1 year ago

Emotional fixation?

I find sometimes I'll be able to identify that I'm feeling anxious, depressed, etc., and also identify that there's not a clear root cause. And I try to soothe myself, but I find my mind hyperfixates on that feeling and I'm just in a spiral over it. Tips for pulling myself out of that?

tadja avatar

Try breaking the spiral by surprising yourself out of it. It’s called pattern interrupt, you just do something totally out of the blue and not at all what you would normally do in that situation. Maybe if you tend to shut down and lay on the couch, you jump around all crazy, or put on a song and sing at the top of your lungs, or take a cold/hot shower - just anything that breaks you out of the typical spiral.

cocodee avatar

That's a really good strategy! I'm gonna try to remember this next time. 💖 thank you

tatu4 avatar

Maybe there's a reason your system wants you to be in that emotion, so you don't feel what's underneath? I was feeling in a depression spiral today and finally realized it's a defense against some ambiguity at work. What I really need to do is propose a new solution and be a leader, but that's hard and I'm scared of it. If I'm depressed and spiraling, I don't have to do that brave thing. Now that I see it was a defense mechanism, I can make a plan to do the brave thing, & I'm not spiraling anymore 😊 Maybe really sit with the feelings, then look for something you may be avoiding, or stressing out about?

LillyLuna avatar

Resisting the mind’s pull toward worries or past wounds takes practice. Try grounding yourself and breathing to focus on the present moment. Give yourself a hug and graze your hands across your arms so that you can stay present in your body.

doglover85 avatar

Same! I’ve frequently had times where I don’t know the why and end up trying to focus on understanding the why and when I can’t I get sucked back into those unpleasant feelings. Ultimately, I find distraction, connecting with people who understand those feelings (although, you’re the first one I’ve found!) and doing things that I enjoy are all helpful.

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