Georgia Glass avatar
Georgia Glass
2 years ago

Is anyone a Christian?

I’m curious if anyone on here is a Christ follower? If you are how does it effect your mental health struggles?

squeegee avatar

I’m a Presbyterian Pastor. I am also a progressive Christian, some people don’t think I should be a pastor as a woman, and the church I serve is LGBTQIA+ inclusive. So that being said, some will question if I am a “real” Christian. It’s okay if some feel that way, but this app is probably not the best place to get into theological arguments. I will simply say that those “progressive” positions are still grounded biblically. I also went to a seminary that trained therapists and pastors at the same time, so there was heavy emphasis on caring for your mental health and seeing a therapist. I’m in a phase right now where I don’t think I have much to unpack with a therapist, but I do want to find a spiritual director to work on my spiritual health. Spiritual directors will work with anyone, but they’re especially helpful when you’re a Pastor and don’t have someone to talk about your own faith with. First of all, the one thing that I hope is great for your mental health as a Christian is this: you are absolutely beloved by God, nothing can change that. God delights in you and is proud of you. When you mess up, when you don’t get done what you needed to get done, God loves you just as much. When everyone else is frustrated with you Jesus is walking with you cheering you on and comforting you. God knows how hard it is, after all this is how God made you. We all have some challenges that someone else doesn’t, but that’s why we need each other and we need community. We’re not supposed to be doing any of this alone. For devotions: I like to use the Dwell Bible app, when sitting and reading feels hard. It’s audio recordings of a bunch of different Bible translations, so I can listen while I walk, drive, or do a hobby. The Pray-as-You-Go app is pretty great (and free) for daily prayer and devotion. Our Bible App is good but most content requires a “Premium” subscription.

michelita avatar

When I feel inadequate and struggle to love myself, I remember that God loves me unconditionally. That I am of sacred worth, and that helps me feel compassionate towards myself.

wfhand wtf247 avatar
wfhand wtf247

I struggle with consistency in quiet time and just in reading the bible

squeegee avatar

I put some things at the end of my comment above, but the Dwell Bible App is pretty great. It’s audio-Bible! I have trouble sitting down and reading so I do audiobooks, same goes for the Bible.

mkess avatar

Tbh I doubt a lot. My brain needs concrete information. And I have to look for that in other places than the Bible ya know? Like third party info. Kind of thing. But it also gives me peace at the same time

squeegee avatar

For what it’s worth, I don’t think you can really have faith without doubt. Otherwise you wouldn’t need faith, you would have certainty. Certainty and faith just don’t go together.

mkess avatar


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