psychocannon avatar
6 months ago

Just tired

I feel like no matter what I do or how much sleep I get I’m always exhausted. Even if I truly do nothing I feel so tired at the end of the day. It makes it hard to keep a schedule, how do y’all do it?

catlady816 avatar

Definitely a struggle. A couple years ago I found out I had sleep apnea which was a huge cause of it

flies avatar

Me too

CometOfTheNights avatar

Me too... I am tired all the time. No matter how much I sleep, how much I rest...😔

WinkyLandShark  avatar

So I'm in my third year of medical school and I've also experienced this first hand. I was going through the same thing. Could hardly hold my head up. My weight didn't really fluctuate but usually it would under the circumstances. Then I thought my hair might be getting thinner. But I had my doctor do a thyroid panel and he found that my thyroid was not functioning at all. All though it's almost the same symptoms with over active thyroid. You should also have your regular anual labs done as soon as your able to. To be that tired that often as I gathered from your post you most likely have an underlying medical condition. If nothing else just think of how awesome it will be if it is something medical and can be treated or reversed. I hope I didn't come off wrong. I just feel for you cause of when I went through it so bad. I felt lazy and like a bad wife not even fixing meals or cleaning. I wish you the best. If you don't mind I would really like to know how this all works out for you. If you need to talk you can always message me.... Good luck honey


I know exactly how u feel & feel the same! Even if I get 8hrs or more sleep I’m exhausted

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