rattomomma avatar

For me, it’s the lie down or the quickly check my phone

bubblesbling avatar

🤣 luckily (or not) every appliance in my house makes a TERRIBLE noise every few seconds until you get up and open the door. I bloody hate it but if it wasn't that way I would never eat or wash anything ever!

bubblesbling avatar

🤣 luckily (or not) every appliance in my house makes a TERRIBLE noise every few seconds until you get up and open the door. I bloody hate it but if it wasn't that way I would never eat or wash anything ever!

bubblesbling avatar

🤣 luckily (or not) every appliance in my house makes a TERRIBLE noise every few seconds until you get up and open the door. I bloody hate it but if it wasn't that way I would never eat or wash anything ever!


I used to get so mad when my husband took breaks to sit down in the middle of us cleaning the house or working on a project. Now I understand that it’s because I can’t sit down because then the task is not going to get completed.

helpme1980 avatar

Awww man. I literally just sat down lol

myqueen avatar

I literally sat down to read this and went ‘oh damn’

AndDatsHowieDo avatar

This is spot on!!!! Especially when I sit on the comfy couch 🤦🏻‍♂️

iamtheshopper avatar

This is what I try to explain to my husband. Why he’ll find me weakened and at deaths door sometimes trying to complete a task. And he says, it’s ok to take a break and sit down and come back to it 😂. Because THAT’S how it works for us! Take a look at our house! It looks like a tornado hit it. No correction, I have two boys with AuDHD, and EVERY morning, I wake up, and it looks like my Tasmanian Devils have been at it again! And it does not matter what I do to try and clean, I turn around, and destruction! And I say, ok let’s clean. And they’re like, what mess? I don’t see a mess 😳. And my husband is always exhausted from all his shit going on so his philosophy in life is “it’s good enough.” And I’m just not that person because I know all it is is a new layer of crap on top of the old layer if I allow for that. And then comments get made later about the state of the house from everyone. So, I have to be the drill Sargent and be like, NO SITTING UNTIL I SEE THE FLOOR TO THIS ROOM! NOW MOVE IT! MOVE IT! MOVE IT!

artsymama4 avatar

Me toooooo. Four kids under 8yo at least 2-3 with undiagnosed adhd and me having it too. But serious pain if I try to stand all day…I can sit and get up again more easily if there are no screens.

glacierheart89 avatar

This is EXACTLY my life and I am SO relieved that I’m not the only one. I have 4 boys, 5 with my stepson who has AUDHD and at least 2 of mine have ADHD. It’s exhausting and I have ADHD as well, so it’s one sorry mess day after day after day. 🥹

iamtheshopper avatar

This is what I try to explain to my husband. Why he’ll find me weakened and at deaths door sometimes trying to complete a task. And he says, it’s ok to take a break and sit down and come back to it 😂. Because THAT’S how it works for us! Take a look at our house! It looks like a tornado hit it. No correction, I have two boys with AuDHD, and EVERY morning, I wake up, and it looks like my Tasmanian Devils have been at it again! And it does not matter what I do to try and clean, I turn around, and destruction! And I say, ok let’s clean. And they’re like, what mess? I don’t see a mess 😳. And my husband is always exhausted from all his shit going on so his philosophy in life is “it’s good enough.” And I’m just not that person because I know all it is is a new layer of crap on top of the old layer if I allow for that. And then comments get made later about the state of the house from everyone. So, I have to be the drill Sargent and be like, NO SITTING UNTIL I SEE THE FLOOR TO THIS ROOM! NOW MOVE IT! MOVE IT! MOVE IT!

iamtheshopper avatar

This is what I try to explain to my husband. Why he’ll find me weakened and at deaths door sometimes trying to complete a task. And he says, it’s ok to take a break and sit down and come back to it 😂. Because THAT’S how it works for us! Take a look at our house! It looks like a tornado hit it. No correction, I have two boys with AuDHD, and EVERY morning, I wake up, and it looks like my Tasmanian Devils have been at it again! And it does not matter what I do to try and clean, I turn around, and destruction! And I say, ok let’s clean. And they’re like, what mess? I don’t see a mess 😳. And my husband is always exhausted from all his shit going on so his philosophy in life is “it’s good enough.” And I’m just not that person because I know all it is is a new layer of crap on top of the old layer if I allow for that. And then comments get made later about the state of the house from everyone. So, I have to be the drill Sargent and be like, NO SITTING UNTIL I SEE THE FLOOR TO THIS ROOM! NOW MOVE IT! MOVE IT! MOVE IT!

myqueen avatar

Add a tidy up segment to your wind down routine for every person. 5 x 5 minute cleaning segments/tasks/spaces. Set a timer and give a 1 minute transition between tasks. Everyone spends 5 minutes cleaning the thing they most think needs to be cleaned and then you move on. You can make it like a gym circuit and when finished the ‘it’s good enough’ mentality will be easier to accept. If your husband is ‘too tired’ he can pick 5 spots to tidy or just one easy task like the dishes for the whole 25 minutes. Do this every day and if it’s really bad so it twice in one day or do it on your own to ‘perfect it’ after they have done the routine

iamtheshopper avatar

This is what I try to explain to my husband. Why he’ll find me weakened and at deaths door sometimes trying to complete a task. And he says, it’s ok to take a break and sit down and come back to it 😂. Because THAT’S how it works for us! Take a look at our house! It looks like a tornado hit it. No correction, I have two boys with AuDHD, and EVERY morning, I wake up, and it looks like my Tasmanian Devils have been at it again! And it does not matter what I do to try and clean, I turn around, and destruction! And I say, ok let’s clean. And they’re like, what mess? I don’t see a mess 😳. And my husband is always exhausted from all his shit going on so his philosophy in life is “it’s good enough.” And I’m just not that person because I know all it is is a new layer of crap on top of the old layer if I allow for that. And then comments get made later about the state of the house from everyone. So, I have to be the drill Sargent and be like, NO SITTING UNTIL I SEE THE FLOOR TO THIS ROOM! NOW MOVE IT! MOVE IT! MOVE IT!

iamtheshopper avatar

This is what I try to explain to my husband. Why he’ll find me weakened and at deaths door sometimes trying to complete a task. And he says, it’s ok to take a break and sit down and come back to it 😂. Because THAT’S how it works for us! Take a look at our house! It looks like a tornado hit it. No correction, I have two boys with AuDHD, and EVERY morning, I wake up, and it looks like my Tasmanian Devils have been at it again! And it does not matter what I do to try and clean, I turn around, and destruction! And I say, ok let’s clean. And they’re like, what mess? I don’t see a mess 😳. And my husband is always exhausted from all his shit going on so his philosophy in life is “it’s good enough.” And I’m just not that person because I know all it is is a new layer of crap on top of the old layer if I allow for that. And then comments get made later about the state of the house from everyone. So, I have to be the drill Sargent and be like, NO SITTING UNTIL I SEE THE FLOOR TO THIS ROOM! NOW MOVE IT! MOVE IT! MOVE IT!

pointyhorse avatar

Very dangerous

Sam ZT avatar
Sam ZT

I don’t know why the terms big and little sit are cracking me up. Referring to all of my laziness like this!

moajune avatar

It is important to sit down regularly though..maybe without a display in front, though- to limit radius of actions.. no tv, no laptop, no phone if sitting down is meant to be for calming down/relaxing Spending sone time with a fidget toy or so might do? Spend a moment of considerate affection with your pet, clean an object that is often used or rarely used but in both cases- looks worse/gunkier than supposed to..famous examples might be the remote control for an electrical device, tableware or the phone handle Because if you just avoid sitting down in general-… This can turn into „ugh why am I feeling so exhausted and stressed-oh right I haven’t sat since I came home 2 hours ago at all!“ without even noticing it, quicker than one might think 👉🥺

joeypetty28 avatar

So fucking true. I just discovered this recently also. I try not to sit anymore

sammi717 avatar

Starts with I'll sit a minute before I do this.... then I'll play one more game before I start. Then I'll watch one more video before I start, and so on

messymama avatar

One season of shameless later… oops.

savannahcaraway avatar

Also! Once I remove my shoes, it’s game over. I’m never leaving the house again that day.

bakedgoods avatar

Just a little sit.. only for a minute…

jademountain avatar

Shit I’ve just emerged from a Big Sit Down session where I thought I’d just watch a few short videos on YouTube before going to the shops and now it’s already midday 😔

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