jellyburn avatar
1 year ago

Overwhelming shut down

When a lot is happening at once and there are too many noises and things going on, I tend to shut down. What are some ways y’all handle these situations?

iamwe? avatar

Create an environment at home if you can to to retreat to to get away from all this and give yourself time to get back to base line- If out I find it useful to use earplugs or headphones playing music if it’s needed at that level, taking something to fidget with and concentrate on to block everything out, or sometimes using these objects to ground can help me stay in the environment if I’m needing to be there and not check out. If possible remove yourself for 5 mins and just try to take that short break/ time out and see if you can return. Sometimes I need hours for this though. Good luck

ohmu. avatar

I put on noise cancelling headphones/ear plugs, or leave and take a short break. Sometimes I feel visually overwhelmed and then I have to close my eyes for a while. Everything depends on what is overstimulating me, and what the current situation permits. I find that it helps to communicate my difficulties to the environment (but it's sometimes easier said than done).

pinkmess avatar

Plug into music 🎶

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