Impulsive behavior
How does everyone deal with impulsive behaviors? I seem to impulsively shop, eat even if I’m not hungry, and do things without completely thinking them through.
How does everyone deal with impulsive behaviors? I seem to impulsively shop, eat even if I’m not hungry, and do things without completely thinking them through.
This is hard. Because in the moment, it feels so true! I try to give myself moments of pause. With shopping for example, I try to stop before clicking purchase (I say try because this is a practice and you won’t win every time) and I just check in with how I feel. Often I’ll feel like I’m in a fog, not thinking clearly, not feeling very well. And if I am, I leave my cart alone and make myself come back to it the next day, or in a couple of hours, after I’ve done something to clear my mind like taking a walk. And if I’m feeling clearer and better and I still want the things, then I do it from that headspace. But I often find that I abandon at least some of the things I was going to spend money on, once I feel better. The act of pausing is super powerful.
Finding the root cause of these actions was the ticket for me. Once I figured out why I was doing things impulsively I could put protocols in place that helped/helps me overcome the thought process and emotions that lead me to these actions. For example... I have multiple root issues with food. I use food as a form of comfort for many emotions... sadness, anger, depression, grief, happiness, when I'm manic.... This is a learned behavior but the truth is food is for vital nutrients... not for indulgence or comfort... I'm currently working on overcoming this one by creating a meal plan that will sustain my body. Then learn the art of healthy cooking to refine it to also appease my taste and texture preferences. I'll also be creating a plan of attack when I get impulsive urges... such as.... having a YouTube play list with body transformations or things that nurture the side of me that wants to be healthy minded. This has been kind of the template I've been using for everything.... a game plan, offense and defense.